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Sunday, November 06, 2016

Sunday, November 06, 2016 11:00 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Daily Mail has one of those stories that only a tabloid so committed to the truth (irony ON), can publish. Check it out:
Picture: @Philip Ide
Mystery surrounds a scrapbook thought to belong to Jane Eyre author Charlotte Brontë that could be worth a staggering £100,000.
The anonymous owner bought the album for £20 in the 1980s from a book binder in Harrogate, North Yorkshire – not far from the parsonage Charlotte shared with sisters and fellow authors Emily and Anne.
He took the album, which is crammed with poetry, prints and watercolours, to Sotheby’s but the auction house showed no interest and he put it in a drawer.
But last year he dug it out to show his son and noticed words scrawled between the first two pages, which were glued together.
When they are held to the light, an inscription reading ‘C Bell her book’ can be seen. Currer Bell was Charlotte’s pen name.
Underneath is the signature ‘C Bronte’.
Experts at antiquarian bookshop Jarndyce, in London, are intrigued but say because the pages are glued together they cannot date the ink and therefore authenticate the album.
The album’s owner said: ‘I would just like to know what the truth is.’  (Jonathan Petre)
Keighley News reports how the Jorvik Theatre Company will bring Wuthering Heights to Hawoth this month:
Heathcliff and Cathy will be finally reunited in Haworth on Friday, November 18. (...)
The Gothic classic, set on the wild moors above Haworth and Stanbury, can be seen at St Michael and All Angels Church from 7.15pm.
The Friends of the Brontës’ Church originally planned to present the play in July at the end of major refurbishments to the parish church.
But the play had to be postponed due to an unavoidable overrun in work to repair the church’s north-facing roofs and the introduction of modern kitchen and toilet facilities
Peter Breed, chairman of the Friends, said: “We’re delighted that the Jorvik Theatre were able to fit us into their busy schedule of their 2016 productions.
“We were very disappointed when we had to postpone the original date at the last minute but besides the safety issues we would not have been able to offer either refreshments or toilet facilities to the audience and cast. (David Knights)
Stuff (New Zealand) talks about sleeping incompatibility:
During daylight hours, we are perfectly compatible. But by night, the cracks emerge, and I'm despondently forced to conclude – to quote Emily Brontë – that our souls are as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire. When it comes to sleep, Sean and I are hopelessly mismatched. (Anna Hart)
Seacoast Online talks about a local furniture maker:
If we look back in time, the arts were pretty gender-specific. Women who wanted to write wrote under men’s names, Charlotte Brontë being one. She used the name Currer Bell. In the fine arts, men were those that were taken into apprenticeships and then some became the masters. (Vandy Leigh)
Las Cruces Sun-News interviews the local author Paula Moore:
What's your favorite book or author? "Wuthering Heights," by Emily Brontë.
Stamford Advocate checks some candidates running for state offices:
And the award for best voice goes to ...: You just can’t go tone for tone with a Brit. John Blankley has lived in Greenwich since 1983, but grew up in Northern England as a “protégé of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg.” His words carry the gravitas of a Brontë novel read by Jeremy Irons, Benedict Cumberbatch or Patrick Stewart, even as he speaks of the need to restructure state government with the dryness of a Cabernet Sauvignon. (John Breunig)
Darlington & Stockton Times makes a case for grouse shooting:
“Heather moorland is rarer than rainforest and 75 per cent of it is found in Britain. From Heathcliff to Holmes, it has become a proud part of our cultural heritage. And without the £1m of private income spent by moor owners every week on land management, that heritage would come to an end. Overgrazed by sheep, used to grow timber, or abandoned to the bracken, the moors as we know them would be lost.” (Jackie Craft)
The Quietus reviews the album Love Means Taking Action by Croatian Amor:
Throughout his work as co-founder of Danish experimental music label Posh Isolation, and an increasingly tangled sprawl of solo guises and collaboration projects, Danish musician Loke Rahbek seems fascinated in exploring the differing extremes of intensity and affect in that flow though the body via contact with music, be it the harsh noise and drone of LR, Severe Pornography and Sexdrome, or the Heathcliff-ian melodrama of the goth-pop of Lust for Youth. (Bob Cluness)
The Mert & Marcus photographic duo mention Wuthering Heights in The Sunday Times; No Charge Bookbunch posts about Wide Sargasso Sea.


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