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Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday, November 28, 2016 11:12 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
Time Money magazine has Tracy Chevalier explain 'What Jane Eyre Can Teach Women Today About Money'.
“Reader, I married him” is one of the best-known lines in literature and may seem the most romantic too. Jane Eyre’s famous declaration at the end of the 19th-century eponymous novel by Charlotte Brontë sums up everything readers have been aching for throughout this much-loved tale of a “poor, obscure, plain and little” governess who, by remaining true to herself, triumphantly gets her man in a classic happy ending.
What most readers forget is the more pragmatic financial state of affairs that underpins Jane’s final decision to marry her employer, Mr. Rochester. In a clunky but typically Victorian deus ex machina, a long-lost heirless uncle conveniently dies and leaves Jane his fortune.
So when she says, “Reader, I married him,” it is worth adding “because I am now rich and can do whatever I want.” (Read more)
Cherwell interviews Virago Deputy Publisher Sarah Savitt and Virago Modern Classics Director Donna Coonan.
When you were younger, how aware were you of feminist writing?[...] Sarah Savitt: I have definitely always read women writers. I read Jane Eyre obsessively as a teenager. I had my most influential teacher in my last year at school and we read Wide Sargasso Sea and The Stone Diaries. They were two pivotal moments for me. (Ellen Peirson-Hagger)
AnneBrontë.org explores how the Brontës would have known Advent and Christmas. El camaleón azul reviews Jane, le renard et moi in Spanish.


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