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Thursday, August 04, 2016

Thursday, August 04, 2016 12:24 pm by M. in , , , , , , ,    No comments
The restoration works of the Old School Room in Haworth are briefly discussed in The Guardian:
As part of the renovation, expected to take two and a half months, the roof will be fixed and six of the windows replaced with new, timber-frame replicas.
Trevor Mitchell, Historic England’s planning director for Yorkshire, said: “We are delighted that the community is moving forward with repairs. The Old School Room stands at the heart of the Brontë story and should be a cherished and visited space.
“Historic England worked with Bradford Council in 2012 to fund some window replacement and other improvements to the village and we are glad Haworth’s heritage is continuing to be celebrated and preserved.  (Josh Halliday)
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner talks about how the Red House Museum is trying to survive the threat of closure:
An historic museum is battling on over summer with a host of activities - despite council plans to close it later this year.
Friends of Red House Museum, Gomersal, which was the setting for Charlotte Brontë’s novel Shirley, hope to persuade Kirklees Council to overturn its proposal to shut its doors in October. (...)
The Friends of Red House, a Grade II Listed building dating back to 1660 and renovated in the Georgian era, have taken part in the council’s consultation exercise.
Friends chairman Jacqueline Ryder said: “The Friends thank everyone who has signed the petitions, filled in the council’s survey and written to the council to let them know how strongly they feel that Red House should be kept open.
“We feel we did everything we could to let people know about the danger of closure in the short time available. We now have to consider what the future might hold if the Cabinet approves the closure at its meeting on September 20.”
The Friends are also looking for people to help with identifying organisations which might be interested in taking over Red House.
Jacqueline said: “The Friends’ first choice would be to keep the museum open for the people of Gomersal and visitors from further afield. But we have to be realistic and consider alternatives. If you can help us with this, please get in touch with me at jacquelineryder99@yahoo.co.uk.” (Gina Colley)
The Times (also The Guardian) reports the death of the singer and voice actor, Ken Barrie (1933-2016). Mostly known as the original voice of Postman Pat, he also dubbed George C. Scott in Jane Eyre 1970 when his Rochester sings John Gay's Youth's the Season from The Beggar's Opera (arranged by Eric Rogers). You can listen to him here.

KQED just loves Kate Bush:
Take a swig every time I squawk about how I want to learn the dance from the “Wuthering Heights” music video or how it’s a crime that Kate isn’t as well known as Bowie or how my friend and I filmed a Kate Bush homage in a Virginian forest one winter or how Kate did the impossible in making me think mimes are cool, etc. etc. (...) Brilliant visuals aside, the song itself, which she wrote as a teen, expertly bottles up all the Gothic romance of Emily Brontë’s source material and expands on it. “Wuthering Heights” skyrocketed to #1 on the British charts and stayed there for a month, making history in the process; Kate became the first female artist to have a self-written number one hit in the UK. And the song’s impact endures: “Wuthering Heights” ranked #32 on Q Magazine‘s Top 100 Singles of All Time reader survey. OF ALL TIME! (Emmanuel Hapsis)
Not the only one:
It took me a while, but I realised she was just brilliant. I got the LP and then realised that this woman was a genius. She was very young, still in her teens when Wuthering Heights was released. Thereafter I started collecting everything. From Lionheart all the way through.(Adrian Lobb in The Big Issue)
The Portland Mercury describes like this the music of the singer and songwriter Adia Victoria:
On Victoria’s debut full-length, Beyond the Bloodhounds, Americana appreciators will find it refreshing to hear traditional sounds subtly taken to new places with artistically Southern intelligence—Emily Brontë loves the blues. (Ciara Dolan)
Talulah Riley, actress, married periodically to Elon Musk writes in The Times:
The plot came to its author ourafter she read Fifty Shades of Grey, a book she did not enjoy. She disliked the bastard-as-crush cliche, which she says female millennials have been reared on. “We grew up on the TV adaptation of Pride and Prejudice,” she says. “I also loved Jane Eyre, but then when I went back to read it I realised that the power dynamics are atrocious — this is not a healthy relationship. And nothing to really aspire to. I wanted to write a female version of Christian Grey.”
Granta Magazine has a new story with a Jane Eyre reference, Kettle Holes by Melissa Febos:
We are all unreliable narrators of our own motives. And ‘feeling’ something neither proves nor disproves its existence. Conscious feelings are no accurate map to the psychic imprint of our experiences; they are the messy catalog of emotions once and twice and thrice removed, the symptoms of what we won’t let ourselves feel. They are not Jane Eyre’s locked-away Bertha Mason, but her cries that leak through the floorboards, the fire she sets while we sleep and the wet nightgown of its quenching.
Apparently you cannot be named Brontë in Spain according to La Información.


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