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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016 11:52 am by M. in , , , , ,    1 comment
The Telegraph & Argus talks about a new curious exhibition taking place in Saltaire:
Postcards designed by people of all ages will make up a unique exhibition at this weekend’s Saltaire Arts Trail.
Two students from the centre of excellence for business at Shipley College, Fahema Ali and Sabrina Hussain, are leading a project to support the trail by encouraging people to create their own mini masterpieces.
They will eventually be put on sale for a good cause.
The students are working with Saltaire Inspired, the group behind the bank holiday arts event, to manage the postcard exhibition being held at Saltaire United Reform Church from today until Monday.
The theme for this year’s trail is ‘be part of the art’, and this exhibition aims to encourage people of all ages to design a 6” x 4” postcard on any theme and gives everyone the chance to be creative.
Postcards that have already been submitted include tributes to the Brontë sisters and depictions of Saltaire. (Chris Young)
A local campaign with Brontë echoes in Keighley News:
A campaign is gathering momentum to save from demolition the oldest part of Keighley College’s former North Street building.
As previously reported by the Keighley News, local historian Jan Perkins has gathered more than 50 supporters and is planning meetings to combat Bradford Council’s demolition plans.
To support the campaign, David Kirkley, her colleague on Keighley Heritage Group, has written about a renowned building originally on part of the college site – Keighley Mechanics Institute – which was destroyed by fire in 1962.
He writes:
There had been a Mechanics Institute in Keighley for many years, being founded by four local worthies: John Farish, John Haigh, John Bradley and William Dixon, who set about forming “A society for mutual instruction and establishing a library for the same”.
Meetings were held in various places, including the Free Grammar School in Cooke Lane, but then in 1835 it was decided to erect the first institute building in North Street – one of the first to be built in the north of England.
Many events were held at the new building, including a lecture by the Rev Patrick Brontë. His daughters were said to have used the ever-expanding library on many occasions. (David Knights)
NDTV Food has a Brontë reference in an article about world women's health day.
A Victorian woman was supposed to be fair with a tiny waist, educated only to add to her merits and not to become equal with a man. So, she learnt a bit of French, music, art and was refused to pen down her deep thoughts. Most of this would aptly explain why some of the most celebrated women novelists wrote under a pseudonym including the Brontë sisters and Louisa May Alcott.  (Sparshita Saxena)
The Stage traces the story of Bristol's Old Vic and lists its top five productions, including Jane Eyre:
This ingenious re-imagining of Charlotte Brontë’s gothic romance, by Bristol’s rapidly rising star director Sally Cookson, opened in two parts, but the following year was pared down to one for the company’s first co-production with the National Theatre. Played as a constantly moving diorama on a multi-level scaffolding set, with the cast at times standing in for the scenery, Cookson’s view of Jane as a model for early feminism became the Bristol Old Vic’s first cinema live presentation. It was screened in 914 cinemas worldwide, and in February of this year played at the Hong Kong Arts Festival. (Jeremy Brien)
The Wichita Eagle has suggestions for a rainy day:
Read. You hear a lot about “beach reads” this time of year, but a gloomy day can be even more perfect for bibliophiles. Grab a recent best-seller or a classic – perhaps something set in the Yorkshire moors, like Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights.” Then curl up on the couch and read for hours. (Mike Hutmacher)
The Guardian reviews Philip Norman's biography of Paul McCartney:
[The author] has a tendency to write about music in a register rather redolent of the op-ed pages of the Daily Mail. The Sex Pistols’ “God Save the Queen” is definitely not “a shrieking parody of the national anthem”, any more than Kate Bush’s “unearthly wail”, “Wuthering Heights”, ever made Yoko Ono’s ear-shredding shrieks “seem positively normal”. (John Harris)
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) is travelling around in Yorkshire following in the footsteps of literary detectives like Elly Griffiths, Sharon J Bolton or  Peter Robinson:
Hathersage är en litterär ort, eftersom Charlotte Brontë var på besök 1845 hos en kompis. Miljön använde hon till ”Jane Eyre”, och baserade mr Rochesters Thornfield Hall på huset North Lees Hall.
Det måste vi ju se, särskilt som Charlotte Brontë skulle ha fyllt 200 år bara en vecka innan vår ankomst. Då var North Lees Hall öppet för besökare en helg, till och med.
Nu är ju ”Jane Eyre” inte alls en deckare, men i Jasper Ffordes första metalitterära och väldigt roliga science fictiondeckare finns den med. Den heter på svenska ”Var är Jane Eyre?”, och det undrar vi också. Maken till hus att gömma sig!
Ingen har hört talas om det heller, och det finns inga litterära skyltar över huvud taget. Vi tar ut kursen via gps, vi åker kors och tvärs och upp och ned och på varenda väg vi hittar. Vi försöker uppifrån åsarna och nedifrån byn, och utsikten är så vacker att man nästan trillar omkull. Men var är Jane Eyre? Inte här, i alla fall. (Read more) (Lotta Olsson) (Translation)
Taraf (Turkey) interviews the singer and songwriter Şirin Soysal:
Edebiyat dünyasına biraz geç girdim sayılır. Küçükken abim Gence çok okurdu, yemek esnasında dahi okurdu, bu beni soğutmuştu kitaplardan. Sonra ortaokulda bir öğretmenim bana Charlotte Brontë’nin “Jane Eyre”ini hediye etti. O romandır benim edebiyata girişim, klasiklerle olan ilişkim. Hâlâ klasikleri okurum, çağımızın yazarlarına tercih ederim. (Translation)
CinemaItaliano (Italy) reviews the film Marguerite e Julien by Valérie Donzelli:
È la cornice che quasi addolcisce il dramma di questo amore contrastato perché sbagliato, diverso dai capricci politici di Montecchi e Capuleti, o dalla voglia di affermazione di Heathcliff e Catherine. Qui è tradita la legge dell’uomo…che pure è nato libero di amare ed essere amato. (Chiara De Berardino) (Translation)

The Daily News lists Jane Steele in a selection of recent mystery novels. The novel is also mentioned in a summer reading list in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. In the same newspaper we read this funny comment by Carole E. Barrowman:
Like many teachers, I spend my summer catching up on reading in my field (do we need another book on the Brontës?), spending more time with my family (your birthday was when?) and writing (who moved my favorite wineglass?). 
Mortgage Solutions quotes Jane Eyre in an article about directly authorised brokers. De Standaard (Belgium) recommends Jane Eyre 2011 (NPO 2 at 22.35h).

1 comment:

  1. My postcard was the tribute to Charlotte Bronte. Feeling very proud :)
