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Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday, May 30, 2016 7:48 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Herald (Zimbabwe) wonders whether  we still 'need book reviewers'.
Throughout history, book reviewers have sometimes been comically off the mark in their assessments. A New York Times reviewer described Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita as “dull, dull, dull in a pretentious, florid and archly fatuous fashion”. While a hater of both Charlotte and Emily Brontë, in his review of “Wuthering Heights”, found consolation in the idea that the novel “will never be generally read”. (Michelle Smith)
While The Island (Sri Lanka) reviews the book Musings of Culture by Shireen Senadhira.
One of Shireen’s favourite literary figures is Gajaman Nona. A picture of her statue adorns the front cover of her volume. Many people have heard of Gajaman Nona, but only a few of them know of her literary work, and of the challenges she faced in her life. In the chapter on Gajaman Nona and Emily Brontë, the author has attempted to decipher similarities in their lives, not always convincingly. Of course, they were both relatively poor and their literary talent was not always recognized in their lifetimes. That was the plight of most literary women in the 18th and 19th centuries, even of Jane Austen, who was much better known. [...]
Shireen identifies isolation as a common theme in many characters in Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and in Great Gatsby. Here the connections made appear more realistic than in some other chapters. In "Characters, Themes, and Plots", the author has made a comparison between E.M. Forster’s "Passage to India", and Martin Wickramasinghe’s "Gamperaliya", both written about the same time. There are some similarities, and making the connection between these two novels opens new insights which need to be explored further. Similarly in the chapter on "The Theme is Home", connections are made of several authors- Vijayatunga of Sri Lanka, the Brontës, Evelyn Waugh, Robert Browning, and Anita Desai. (Leelananda De Silva)
El comercio (Perú) writes about crime stories set in Victorian times such as
 • "Jane Steele", de Lyndsay Faye (Penguin Random House), propone a una heroína que no se llevaría mal con Vanessa Ives: una chica inmensa que no es otra cosa que una reescritura de la Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë, solo que con cuchillo en mano veloz para ajusticiar a todo aquel que le ha hecho daño. Y muchos le han hecho daño, claro. (Rodrigo Fresán) (Translation)
DM Denton has written a post on Anne Brontë. The Edge of the Precipice is hosting a Jane Eyre read-along. Olivia Wild reviews The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Querleserin (in German) posts about Jane Eyre. She Was in Wonderland (in Italian) reviews The Professor.


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