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Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016 10:12 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News has one more article on the signs at Top Withens.
Yorkshire Water should be commended for bowing to public pressure regarding its safety signs at Top Withens.
The company has agreed to replace its bright-blue notices with something more in keeping with the landscape at the Brontë shrine.
Whatever your views on the derelict farmhouse and the legitimacy of its association with Wuthering Heights, the fact remains the moorland spot is visited by thousands of people a year because of those claimed connections.
And the outpouring of concern following the installation of the signs is evidence enough, were it needed, that people do care.
While the safety message does need to be put across to visitors, we await with interest to see what appears now. (Alistair Shand)
What we personally don't get is that there is no 'outpouring of concern' about the fact that vandals are tearing down the ruins.

Fortunately, there are protesters against the closing down of public libraries and the 'novel' ideas people in charge have about them. As the Evening Standard reports,
On Monday, two days after heroic campaigners ended their occupation of Herne Hill’s Carnegie library in protest at its closure, it emerged that the Government would investigate Lambeth’s plans. The Labour-controlled council is handing over Carnegie, Camberwell’s Minet and Tate South libraries to Greenwich Leisure Ltd so it can turn them into gym-book room hybrids. You can Boxercise among the Brontës! Crosstrain with le Carré! Because what could be more conducive to reading than a cacophonous sweat factory? (Rosamund Urwin)
Speaking of libraries, Redlands Daily Facts announces that,
The books in this week’s Professor Parsons’ Picks silent auction sponsored by the Friends of the A.K. Smiley Public Library are “Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey, Poems” by the Brontë sisters, [...]
The books, descriptions and bid sheets are in the silent auction area on the main level of the A.K. Smiley Public Library, 125 W. Vine St., Redlands.
The auction closes at 1 p.m. Tuesday.
The books are selected by Ted Parsons, president of the Friends of the Library board and head of the auction selection committee, selects the books.
Following are Parsons’ descriptions of the books and his comments.

Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey, Poems” was published in 1907 by Thomas Nelson and Sons.
Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë, “Agnes Grey” by Anne Brontë and “Poems” by Currer Bell (Charlotte Brontë), Ellis Bell (Emily Brontë) and Acton Bell (Anne Brontë) are three books, numbered individually, and bound as one in soft green leather with gold leaf imprinted lettering and floral decoration on the spine and green marbleized endpapers. (...)
The dealer price for this volume in fair condition is $93. The minimum bid is $9.
As with libraries, Zacatecas en imagen (Mexico) thinks that the solution to save universities
no requiere de una varita mágica, requiere ser escrita como una novela de las hermanas Brontë del siglo 19, con arduo trabajo y labor del día a día. (Ricardo González) (Translation)
This columnist from Daily Campus has made peace with Jane Eyre.
As for me, I just finished rereading “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë. I originally read it in high school, but absolutely hated it because I thought it was too slow and boring. After going through it a second time, I realized I was totally wrong. Jane is a fascinating character, and though the book is long, the plot moves forward at a rapid pace, with plenty of shocking twists. (Helen Stec)
RTVE (Spain) announces that quiz show Saber y ganar will join in the celebrations of Charlotte Brontë's bicentenary with a special programme.
El jueves 21 de abril conmemoraremos el bicentenario del nacimiento de la escritora inglesa Charlotte Brontë, autora de una novela que se convirtió en todo un clásico de la literatura: Jane Eyre.
Conoceremos más detalles de la biografía de esta autora, perteneciente a una familia con gran talento literario: dos de sus hermanas, Emily y Anne, escribieron otras célebres novelas de la literatura inglesa, Cumbres borrascosas y Agnes Grey, respectivamente.
En nuestro Duelo especial recordaremos pasajes de Jane Eyre, de la voz de nuestra copresentadora Pilar. ¡Acompáñennos en este Duelo literario! (Translation)
Care home reports that a group of young girls staged an adaptation of Wuthering Heights at a care home in Birstall. Bookwitty lists several Jane Eyre retellings.


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