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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday, June 30, 2015 7:33 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    1 comment
The Telegraph and Argus features the book Come into the House which consists of
ten shortlisted entries from a competition, run by Corazon Books in partnership with The Historic Houses Association, to write a short story either inspired by or set in a historic house. [...]
HHA homes and gardens have been inspiring authors for centuries. Literary links include Norton Conyers, near Ripon, Yorkshire (winner of HHA’s Restoration Award 2014), which Charlotte Brontë is known to have visited and whose attic is said to have inspired the story of the “madwoman” in Jane Eyre. (Emma Clayton)
The Guardian reviews the YA novel The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson which is about
seventeen year old Lennie Walker - she is obsessed with Wuthering Heights, plays the clarinet and is a total band geek. She is also prone to scattering her poems all over town since her sister Bailey died four weeks ago.  (Thedauntlessbookthief)
Paste Magazine has selected '24 Perfect Songs for Book Lovers' and of course one of them is
4. “Wuthering Heights” – Kate Bush
Kate Bush writes from the perspective of Emily Brontë’s character Catherine Earnshaw in her unique take on the classic novel Wuthering Heights. An incredibly smart and weird tune (like Bush herself), the poppy chorus doesn’t hide the sadness that fills the literary lyric, “Heathcliff, it’s me, Cathy. Come home. I’m so cold.” (Laura Stanley)
Blog Critics reviews Poldark:
But we soon learn that Ross is far from Emily Brontë’s anti-hero of Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff, too, had grown up going to war, hoping to win back the heart and hand of his Cathy, but Heathcliff’s scheme was dangerous and far darker. Our Ross Poldark is the anti-Heathcliff. Although he is an aristocrat, he is a friend to his workers, feeling a deep responsibility to care for the tenants working his land, and the vulnerable in the disintegrating mining culture of Cornwall. He mourns the loss of his deepest love, even contemplating moving to London to avoid her, lest her reputation be smeared, and his cousin be cuckolded. (Barbara Barnett)
A columnist from The Jewish Chronicle writes about Saul Bellow and recalls the fact that,
I first read Bellow's masterpiece, Herzog, for A Level long ago. We had battled through Jane Austen, Jane Eyre and all the other Janes and then came to our last set text. One of our teachers refused to teach it because it was not proper English. (David Herman)
The Brontë Parsonage Blog has a post on Caroline Lamb, writer, producer, artistic director with the Dangerous to Know Theatre Company based in Manchester and a Brontëite. Betsy reads books reviews Jane Re by Patricia Park.  Thenewalphabet briefly posts on Jane Eyre 2011. Patheos reviews Jane Eyre's Sisters by Jody Gentian Bower.

1 comment:

  1. At school I had a science teacher who insisted that Kate Bush was on helium when she sang Wuthering Heights. A great track, though, inspired by a great novel (and a TV adaptation) – a combination that almost four decades later (!) still appeals to many people.
