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Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015 8:56 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
MPR News' The Thread Book Club recommends Patricia Park's Re Jane.
Patricia Park joined MPR News' Kerri Miller to discuss her new book: "Re Jane." It's a modern retelling of Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre," but with its own distinctive modern flare. Park recasts Jane as a first generation Korean-American in New York City, struggling to find her place.
"It does draw from my background," Park said. "I was born and raised in Flushing, Queens, and there's a large Korean community there. I didn't know I was American until I was 17 despite the fact that I had a blue passport. Everything was all Korean, all the time. This is the environment which Jane Re also grows up in — there's a sense of: What are you?"
You can listen to the story as well.

Cape Gazette talks to writer Nicole Julienne Hall, who has created a classic 'romantic hero' in her book Finding Sophia.
The book follows Annasophia Warren, a spirited young woman who has grown up in Lewes and experiences falling in love for the first time when she meets Robert, a Rehoboth boy whom the author wrote to be a romantic hero.
"If you look at 'Gone with the Wind' or 'Jane Eyre', those classic novels," Hall said, "There's certain characteristics that male characters embody. They tend to be wealthy, they are confident, and have a strong presence. Frequently they tease the heroine, so that’s how I wrote Robert." (Molly MacMillan)
Business World comments on the TV series Silicon Valley and apparently,
Though it is couched in dick jokes, Silicon Valley is a classic coming-of-age story, like Jane Eyre or Great Expectations. (Jessica Zafra)
Librópatas (Spain) considers Heathcliff and Cathy one of several literary couples which couldn't be but should have been.
Catherine y Heathcliff – Cumbres borrascosas
No sabía si meterlos en esta lista, porque técnicamente, estuvieron juntos para siempre, sino físicamente, sí en alma y corazón, que es lo que importa, al menos en este caso. Ahora bien, todos sabemos que si Catherine no hubiera sido tan desdeñosa con Heathcliff, si no se hubiese casado con Edgar, si hubiese reconocido su amor mutuo y correspondido, hubieran tenido una vida más larga y feliz, y nos hubiéramos ahorrado la sed de venganza y la semilla de la maldad perpetuándose Cumbres borrascosas adelante. Nos hubiesemos quedado sin una novela maravillosa, eso también. (Cristina Domínguez) (Translation)
Divinity's Mujercitas (Spain) categorises women:
•    Las que saben quien es Heathcliff y las que no.
•    Las que preferían a Heathcliff y las que no. (Nuria Labari) (Translation)
Yahoo! Finanzas (Spain) lists several families who squandered their fortunes such as the Hartfords.
Aspirante a escritor y amante de las artes, pero pésimo en los negocios, Huntington Hartford se embarcó en varios proyectos fallidos, entre ellos un garaje de estacionamientos automatizados en Manhattan, un instituto de caligrafía, una agencia de modelos y su propia y desastrosa adaptación teatral de "Jane Eyre", recordó The New York Times en su obituario en 2008. (Benjamin R. García) (Translation)
Military Technologies shares a recent speech on the future of food and farming by the Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss.
Only last year, we launched a campaign in New York celebrating the British countryside. Its timeless beauty is recognised around the world, celebrated by artists and writers from Constable to the Brontës, from David Hockney to Antony Gormley. For centuries, this has made it a place people want to live.
In The Guardian, readers recommend songs based on books and Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights is obviously mentioned, albeit - interestingly - just in passing. Hickey Picks – Young Adult Readers Advisory posts about April Lindner's Catherine. Liminal Scratch Pad is the blog of Kassy Skoretz, who plays Jane Eyre in an upcoming (August) production of Polly Teale's Jane Eyre in Providence, RI.


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