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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Tuesday, March 03, 2015 10:50 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian asks readers what they are reading this week. One of them is rereading Jane Eyre and describes the novel as follows:
ENMWombat is in the middle of rereading Jane Eyre [spoiler alert]:
I’d forgotten how exciting and gothic the book is. Also I was sure Helen Burns, Jane’s friend at Lowood, died after being made to stand out in the rain for hours, but this doesn’t happen in the book. She dies of consumption. I think I must be remembering one of the many dramatisations I’ve seen. I think the book transcends them. I remember Michael Jayston as a particularly appealing Rochester but have never seen any actor who fits Brontë’s description. Sad to say, her description calls up Gordon Brown for me . . .
Charlotte Brontë enthusiast Santiago Posteguillo appears in a couple of newspapers.
El autor de El asesino del emperador y Circo máximo cuenta en La sangre de los libros aquellos episodios más truculentos vinculados a Petrarca, Víctor Hugo, Virgilio, Espronceda, Isaac Asimov, Ágatha Christie, Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker o Charlotte Brontë: «El título me ha hecho buscar a autores con una relación hacia la sangre en la literatura, sea porque sus muertes están envueltas en el misterio (como Edgar Allan Poe), porque fueron o no asesinados (como Ágatha Christie), condenados a muerte (Séneca) o que se suicidaron (Emilio Salgari)», añade Posteguillo. [...]
La historia de Poe, la de Brontë o la de Ágatha Christie, que durante once días se investigó su asesinato son de las preferidas por el escrito:«Me parece una historia francamente llamativa, curiosa, misteriosa que tiene una serie de explicaciones pero que sin embargo deja lagunas sin explicar por lo que prevalece el misterio.Y te hace ver que la vida de Ágatha es un poco como sus novelas». (I.L.H. in Diario de Burgos (Spain)) (Translation)
En su más reciente libro, La sangre de los libros , Posteguillo revisita historias como el duelo a muerte entre Aleksandr Pushkin y el oficial francés Dantes, quien cortejaba a la esposa del poeta ruso; o recrea la vida de la novelista inglesa Charlotte Brontë, quien se enamoró de un hombre casado sin ser correspondida, lo que la llevó a escribir Jane Eyre. Los 30 relatos reunidos buscan"derribar el miedo que tienen los jóvenes a las obras clásicas?, pero también arrojan guiños que los lectores más experimentados pueden disfrutar. (Hernán Porras Molina in Entorno inteligente (Spain)) (Translation)
The Stage reviews the Mercury Theatre production of  Willy Russell's Educating Rita.
Juliet Shillingford’s painstakingly constructed study set is detailed beyond measure. Masquerading as a striking shrine to the literary greats, from Shakespeare to Forster and Brontë, it’s organised chaos, stocked floor to ceiling with everything from iconic literature, to artwork and artefacts. As Rita aptly states: “How do you make a room like this?” (Nick Dines)
This is how The Hindu begins a review of a stage adaptation of Moulin Rouge.
It is a story as old as time itself. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. They let love weave its web softly around them as they spin their dreams and bare their souls within that web. Then reality seeps in as they are forced to face the inevitable — that their love cannot be. Stories of star-crossed love never end — from the stormy tale of Cathy and her Heathcliff, to Guinevere whose desire for Lancelot paves the way to Camelot’s ruin, Qays ibn al-Mulawwah who is driven to madness by his love for Layla and Orpheus, whose journey into the underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, proves to be futile. (Preeti Zachariah)
A.V. Club has a recap of Season 1, Episode 18 of Gotham (beware of spoilers!).
They head out to a farm that Loeb owns looking for the files and, after a shootout with an elderly couple, find Loeb’s daughter, Miriam, imprisoned Jane Eyre style in the attic. (Kyle Fowle)
Independent (Ireland) thinks that,
Ross Poldark is a south coast Heathcliff: aloof and stubbornly principled, prone to violent outbursts and brooding grumpily over real or imagined slights. (Gabriel Tate)
Letteratu (Italy) considers the works of Charlotte Brontë an important part of feminism.


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