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Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014 8:15 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Haworth's Scroggling the Holly is almost here and The Telegraph & Argus knows it:
The festive season gets under way in style with a weekend of activities in Haworth.
The Scroggling the Holly event will see pixies and fairies prepare the streets for the opening of Christmas on Saturday and Sunday, November 29 and 30.
Parades each day in Main Street will make their way sprinkling fairy dust, while the Ivy Princess and her attendants hand out sprigs of decorative holly.
There will also be musical entertainment on offer.
Parking will be available for the event in the Brontë Parsonage and Brontë Village car parks.
The Stage publishes the obituary of the actress Pamela Marr:
Together with her actor-writer husband Roger Weldon, Pamela Marr was a stalwart of the weekly rep company Pyramid Players that flourished in the early part of the 1950s.
Formed in Birmingham in 1948, the company presented 51 plays in its first year, and continued apace into the late 1950s, enjoying residences in a variety of locations including Birmingham, Cannock, Shrewsbury, Wellington, Swindon and Bridlington. In 1950, the couple organised the first ever Brontë festival in the sibling novelists’ hometown of Haworth, Yorkshire. (Michael Quinn)
Margaret C. Sullivan in The Huffington Post lists several 'creative' covers for Jane Austen' s Pride and Prejudice, including this one for Signet Classics:
Signet Classics are reliable and inexpensive paperback editions, often used in the secondary-school market and just as often read by adults who appreciate their low cost and ubiquity. It probably seemed like a good plan to choose a vaguely old-fashioned-looking painting of two women who could, perhaps, be Elizabeth and Jane Bennet...had the Bennet sisters somehow been transported forward about 40 years into a Charlotte Brontë novel. (Noooo! cry the Janeites. Not the Brontës!)
Chicago Tribune reviews Sarah Ruhl's 100 Essays I don't have time to write:
This is a political stance as well as an aesthetic one, although Ruhl avoids saying so outright, noting only that there are relatively few plays written from a mother's point of view: "(W)e don't have many playwrights who have also been mothers." Before we think too hard about why, the essay is over, the rhetorical equivalent of ending a sentence with "7." In another essay, when approaching an explicitly feminist statement, she interrupts herself mid-sentence, chiding, "Virginia Woolf said that Charlotte Brontë wrote badly when she was angry. Let me rephrase." (Amy Gentry)
Nicole Russell in The Federalist gives advices on her ten-year marriage anniversary.
As a Midwestern girl with an English degree, I grabbed hold of Emily Brontë’s adage, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same” as zealously as Mr. Darcy loved Elizabeth (thank you, Jane Austen). But that maxim has only allowed me, when things have gotten difficult, to teeter on the edge of thinking: “This guy isn’t right for me. Is there someone else better?” The grass isn’t greener, folks. It’s all a dingy shade of yellow because we’re all flawed, selfish people. Just focus on watering when and where you can and take a big drink from the hose yourself—you need the most work, anyway.
The Irish Independent recommends a visit to the Gate Theatre's production of Wuthering Heights:
"Heathcliff! It's me, it's Cathy, I've come home, so cold! Let me into your window." Sure, Emily Bronte's novel is source material for Kate Bush's song but it's normally seen in the flesh on stage. This production, directed by Michael Barker-Caven and, promises the "darkness and intensity" of the novel. (Niall Byrne)
The Yorkshire Post on that eternal subject, the greatest books ever written:
As the discussion flows, along with the red wine, there’s a fair chance that Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby and the magnum opus that is James Joyce’s Ulysses will get at least a mention, while others might fly the flag for the late Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s modern masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude, or William Golding’s searing rites of passage novel, Lord of the Flies.
Greater Kashmir finds similarities between Kashmir's landscape and a Brontë novel:
Tiny little hamlets, straight out of a Charlotte Brontë novel - must have been near Shupiyan - had visible impression of impending fall. Swathed under balmy afternoon Kashmir sun, where thin line of lean poplars run with an air of flourish, a land yellow in summer, its funereal brume rolling over paddy fields, and one felt a deep sorrow, the kind of melancholy you feel when you’re with a pretty woman and the sun is going down. Kashmir, the cursed damsel with a thousand scars, perched in her bosom, its air breathing fey, ruined, star-crossed her fate. (Faheem Jeelani)
On Travelmole:
Leading ethical agent responsibletravel.com rounds up 10 award-winning destinations which will not only give you the holiday of a lifetime, but where your travels will also make a real, positive difference to local people and conservation efforts.': (...)
4. The North York Moors, UK
Conjuring up images of wild, remote landscapes and atmospheric adaptations of Bronte novels, Winner of the best Protected Area in 2004, the North York Moors are a spectacular mixture of coastline, open moorland and quaint, Georgian spa towns. Take the waters in Harrogate, or take to two wheels to explore the open, heather-filled expanses.
According to Patriot News, the name Jane is going to be fashionable again:
Jane Austen. Jane Eyre. Jane Darling from "Peter Pan." Jane is a unique yet sensible name that should top the list for any parents-to-be who majored in English Literature. (Josette Plank)
Business World Weekender talks about the 1985 film Hindi Nahahati ang Langit by Mike De Leon:
His character might be likened to Hindley Earnshaw (in fact characters and portions of the plot recall Wuthering Heights) -- an alcoholic weakling who lashes out, with diminishing effectiveness, in his hatred and growing despair. (Noel Vera)
Les Echos (France) reviews the novel The Colour of Milk by Nell Leyshon:
On est loin des romans de Charlotte Brontë et de Jane Austen, mais à sa façon Nell Leyshon poursuit leur œuvre _ la complète. En exprimant le « non-dit » de la condition des femmes de cette époque : des femmes, qui très jeunes sont esclavagisées, humiliées, engrossées par des hommes égoïstes (Violette, la soeur de Marie, doit cacher que Ralph, le fils du pasteur, est le père de son bébé). (Philippe Chevelley) (Translation)
France TV (France) talks about the book Le vrai lieu by Annie Ernaux:
On y retrouve aussi la sœur morte avant sa naissance ("L'autre fille", Editions Nil, 2011), la mère ("Une femme", Gallimard, 1988), le père, la lecture, comme "lieu de l'imaginaire et ouverture sur le monde" et les livres qui l'ont marquée ("Jane Eyre", "Autant en emporte le vent", "Le 2e sexe"). (Translation)
Zócalo Saltillo (México) has a booktuber and Brontëite.


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