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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 9:46 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Fraser Coast Chronicle (Australia) tells about a local project:
Picture source
Baddow House became the setting for a scene from a Charlotte Brontë novel when six young drama students filmed scenes from Jane Eyre for a national competition.
Trinity Smith, 12, who co-wrote the 15-minute film with Addictive Dramatics drama teacher Tamara Bailey, said she chose the location after looking at it online.
"Baddow House is authentic, old and perfect for the film," she said.
Trinity, the most outstanding drama performer award winner at the Eisteddfod 2014, spent a month writing the script with Ms Bailey.
The girls only had one week to learn the script and practise the five short scenes.
Ms Bailey said Trinity, who plays Jane Eyre, was a true artist.
"She's full of energy and enthusiasm," she said. (Robyne Cuerel)
Evoke interviews the cast of the Dublin Gate Theatre production of  Wuthering Heights opening tomorrow, November 13:
 Kate Brennan — Catherine Earnshaw  (...)
‘I completely relate to her; I just love the absolute darkness about the piece, and the raw passion. It’s just a really instinctive piece. It’s the kind of stuff I love to do.’ (...)
Tom Canton — Heathcliff (...)
‘You have to justify your own characters choices, and I can wholeheartedly see where he’s coming from, but the choices he makes are maybe not the best ones, they are destructive. But I think he operates from a place of absolute adoration and love,’ he says. (...)
‘Adoration for someone and hate for someone can be very close emotions.’ (...)
Fiona Bell — Nelly Dean (...)
‘She is an unrealisable narrator because she is involved and she has her opinions about the characters,’ Fiona says.(...)
‘She comes and goes with everybody, but ultimately she sides with the good characters.’ (Eleanore Hutch)
Still in Australia, The Canberra Times discusses the book of the year chosen by the University of Canberra.
It's amazing that no matter who you speak to you find they've got half a dozen books they think should be the UC Book of the Year. And we've got all sorts of things in mind for the future, from the classics of fiction to the classics of non-fiction. We've played it fairly safe for these first few years, making sure they're all recent novels and award-winning novels. But let's wait and see. I think the classics will be one of the options coming up soon. And imagine the controversies there'll be then! How dare you choose between Dickens and Brontë?!  (Ian Warden)
An Express and Star columnist wonders,
When was the last time a piece of literature grabbed your attention?
Perhaps it was recently, with the global success of Donna Tartt’s latest epic offering The Goldfinch? Or maybe it’s been a while; The Lovely Bones, Harry Potter, or The Da Vinci Code? It could be that you’re a fan of the classics, and it’s Dickens’ Great Expectations, Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, or Orwell’s 1984, that set your pulse racing. (David Handley)
It looks as if this columnist from the University of California Highlander didn't have his pulse racing - or not in a good way - when reading Wuthering Heights:
However, there are books that merit more attention than those of an average fiction writer — the “classics,” the sort of books you would be forced to read in an English class. And yes, for most people, it is a matter of “force” when it comes to reading these classics. And no, I do not claim to have read everything that might be called “classic,” nor do I claim to have enjoyed the classics that I have read (I’m looking at you, “Wuthering Heights”). (Quinn Minten)
Collider recaps (beware of spoilers!!) the latest episode of Sons of Anarchy, titled Faith and Despondency after the poem by Emily Brontë.
So Tully and Juice … the book of love poems by Emily Brontë, the vaseline, the cocaine — all typical stuff from Sutter. (Allison Keene)
The Brontë Sisters explores the Brontës-Keighley connection. Ana' Fiches de Lecture reviews Wuthering Heights.


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