
  • With... Emma Conally-Barklem - Sassy and Sam chat to poet and yoga teacher Emma Conally-Barklem. Emma has led yoga and poetry session in the Parson's Field, and joins us on the podcast...
    5 days ago

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Keighley News reports that
Controversial plans to build a livestock building on a scenic spot outside Stanbury have been rejected.
Bradford Council planners refused the application for the new barn and access track at Ponden Kirk, Ponden Lane.
More than 50 objections were submitted in response to the proposals, arguing that it would destroy bird habitats and spoil the appearance of the landscape.
Objectors included the Brontë Society. Trustee Christine Went said: "This structure's excessive size and the materials from which it would be fabricated, would render it highly and inappropriately visible in a landscape valued for its literary and historical associations."
Also in the newspaper we find the story of James Aykroyd and the revival of Brontë Liqueur:
Sir James, who worked in senior roles with Buchanan’s whisky and Martini and Rossi and more recently stepped down as a shareholder and chairman of Speyside Distillers, said: “Back in 1928 my great-grandfather Sir James Roberts bought the Haworth village parsonage and gifted it to the Bronte Society.
“Today, that building is the Brontë Parsonage Museum and this is something our family is immensely proud of – I still hold the key to the parsonage's front door.”
And here you can see the actual key.

Vancouver's Straight talks about the work of the dancer Julianne Chapple:
It's hard not to notice dance artist Julianne Chapple’s work in a mixed program. At last year’s Dances for a Small Stage, she appeared like a broken-limbed ghost, swishing her hair in a transparent, spotlit bowl of water, splattering droplets as she flailed. Set to a creepy soundtrack of people remembering dreams about drowning, sea/unseen had a feel somewhere between a Japanese horror movie and Emily Brontë. (Janet Smith)
Bob Mims in The Salt Lake City Tribune is into a Brontë phase:
Seeing Utah’s floodwaters recede and storm clouds flee the midweek sunshine, Emily Brontë might have observed that "from the midst of cheerless gloom, I passed to bright unclouded day."
Rising from her 19th century writing desk, Emily might have asked equally literate sisters Charlotte and Anne to take a stroll along the Wasatch Front, where clear, sunny skies and balmy daytime temperatures in the mid-70s were forecast both Wednesday and Thursday.
The quote is from the 1846 poem A Little While, A Little While.

Somehow we suspected Sandra Gilbert (coauthor with Susan Gubar of the groundbreaking Madwoman at the Attic essay) liked Jane Eyre a bit. Times Higher Education interviews her:
As a child, Gilbert loved to read. “But I never considered myself especially scholarly. I adored kids’ books – The Bobbsey Twins series (who has heard of those today?), Nancy Drew, and, more grownup I guess, Little Women and Jane Eyre. My parents had ‘great expectations’ for me and nurtured my intellectual growth. When I was in high school, my father actually got me a subscription to The Partisan Review.”
Tonight, RAI 1 broadcast the first episode of Un'altra vita and many Italian websites talk about its alleged Jane Eyre affiliation:
Un’altra vita” / Vanessa Incontrada, un mistero come Jane Eyre (...)
 L’ispirazione a quanto pare proviene da Jane Eyre rivista e pensate in chiave romantica (staremo a vedere). (Casa & Mutui) (Translation)
Gli autori Ivan Cotroneo, Stefano Bises e Monica Rametta, gli stessi diUna grande famiglia, hanno descritto la fiction come un mix tra una Jane Eyre in chiave moderna e la serie tv statunitense The Good Wife. Inutile dire che come presentazione iniziale possiamo ritenerci soddisfatti e incuriositi già in partenza. (GossipeTV) (Translation)
Poi c'è una rilettura di Jane Eyre e del genere gotico, perché Liotti porta con sé un mistero. E poi, certo, c'è il melò. (Silvia Fumarola in La Repubblica) (Translation)
La storia ricalca quella di Jane Eyre e il moderno Rochester è l’avvocato tenebroso Antonio, intepretato da Daniele Liotti. E non solo, a detta degli sceneggiatori la storia è incentrata sui numerosi fatti di cronaca che vedono per protagonisti gli uomini senza contare che dietro ci sono spesso famiglie e donne ugualmente vittime. (Chiara Laganà on CineTivu) (Translation)
Tuổi Trẻ (Vietnam) interviews the writer Nguyen Thai Hai, who recommends books for young readers, such as Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights:
Nếu phải gợi ý 5 loại sách nên đọc cho thiếu nhi, ông sẽ gợi ý gì?
Lớn lên một chút, các em có thể tìm đến những tác phẩm kinh điển hơn, ở tuổi trung học chẳng hạn. Học sinh trung học phổ thông cần phải đọc những tác phẩm có tính nền tảng như: Cuốn theo chiều gió, Jane Eyre, Đồi gió hú, Tiếng chim hót trong bụi mận gai, Chiếc lá cuối cùng ... hay các tác giả Việt Nam nổi tiếng: Nam Cao, Vũ Trọng Phụng, Thạch Lam... (Translation)
Daily Kos talks about orphans (and Heathcliff and Jane Eyre get a mention);  Inchoatia reviews The Tenant of Wildfell Hall; Reading at the Moonlight (in Spanish) reviews In the Footsteps of the Brontës by Ann Dinsdale and Mark Davis; Apenas Garotas (in Portuguese) posts about Jane Eyre; Dotted with Dots talks about several Jane Eyre adaptations; Outside of a Dog... reviews Jane, le Renard et Moi.

And finally a big thank you to the Brontë Sisters who celebrated our 9th anniversary.


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