
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014 3:17 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph speculates why Kate Bush is returning to the stage after 35 years:
Like much else in the life and work of 55-year-old Miss Bush, we may have to work these things out for ourselves. The rare interviews she has given are consistent in their assurances that the quiet life she has chosen is the one that suits her best.
To some extent, this “blandness” – as some have seen it – is a reaction to the idea that she remains trapped in the character of Catherine Earnshaw of Wuthering Heights – the Emily Brontë novel that provided the inspiration for her first hit in 1978. The song’s enormous success, welcome as it was to an 18-year-old novice, also left her burdened with the perception that she spent her days running around blasted heaths in a nightdress. (William Langley)
The Boston Globe talks about the Harvard Film Archive series The Glitter of Putrescence, Val Lewton at RKO:
The Lewton series really gets kicking with a Sunday night screening of 1943’s “I Walked With a Zombie,” a movie as eerie and withholding as its title is crass. Directed by Tourneur, it’s a Caribbean revamp of “Jane Eyre,” with the underrated Frances Dee cast as a nurse to a plantation family with a sleepwalking wife (Christine Gordon) upstairs. (Ty Burr)
The Derby Telegraph interviews the journalist Martin Naylor from UK's Mastermind:
I have to say I am in awe of those who have the sort of memories that are able to soak in and retain information on the reign of Richard III or the novels of the Brontë sisters, before appearing on TV (mainly) looking cool as cucumbers.
The Elm interviews a former Washington College graduate:
On top of all of the opportunities that Lusby has took part in, her participation in the Kiplin Hall Summer Trip was one of her favorite.
“The Kiplin Hall trip is one of those incredible traveling opportunities that I highly recommend to every WC student.” Besides being a great way to relate field work to knowledge of historic English Literature, Lusby praises the areas to which the group traveled: “North Yorkshire is so green and lush and gorgeous. And getting to know the mountains and tarns of the Lake District side-by-side with the literature of Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the Brontës gives the landscape a narrative and a real-life setting to inhabit,” said Lusby. (Michael Harman)
Cowichan News Leader interviews the local author Catherine Dook:
 Author influences: Robert Graves, Charlotte Brontë. (Peter Rusland)
La Vanguardia (México) talks about cats and writers:
“Ochi” para Graciela Rodríguez; “Max” y “Dina” para Flor Magallanes y Alejandro Reyes-Valdés. “Mouschi” para los ocho habitantes de la “Casa de atrás” donde vivieron dos años Ana Frank y su familia, tratando de escapar de la persecución nazi. “Mr. Peter Wells” para H.G. Wells. Alejandro Dumas tuvo a dos felinos, “Mysouff I” y “Mysouff II”. Lord Bayron tuvo a “Beppo”, Emily Bronte tuvo a “Tiger”…. (Jesús R. Cedillo) (Translation)
El País (Spain) reports that tonight on the Spanish TV station la 2, the programme Página 2
recupera un clásico como Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë. (Miguel Ángel Palomo) (Translation)
Christoph Fischer interviews the author Lilian Roberts:
 What three books have you read recently and would recommend?
3) “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë: Her amazing novel left me mesmerized. Heathcliff’s orphaned status, his undying love for Catherine, his ambiguous position in society, the physical and mental cruelty he endured, and finally his revenge, are a stunning mixture of emotions that the author interweaved masterfully throughout the story.
Once again the Bristol Old Vic Jane Eyre adaptation features in this week's Critical List published by The Sunday Times;  also in the Sunday Times a brief mention to Brontë country in the Aberdeen to Chester section of its Best Places to Live in Britain special; @FayeRita87 visited the Parsonage yesterday; House of Anansi reviews Jane, the Fox and Me.


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