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    4 months ago

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Keighley News reports the ongoing Brontë Festival of Women's Writing:
Leading novelist Sarah Dunant is one of the headline guests at this year’s Brontë Festival of Women’s Writing.
Sarah will visit Haworth on Saturday to speak about her latest book, Blood and Beauty, which is about notorious Italian Renaissance family the Borgias.
The festival, which runs from tomorrow until Sunday, also features family activities and several writing workshops.
It is being held for the fourth year at the Brontë Parsonage Museum and nearby venues, celebrating contemporary women’s writing.
Jackie Kay, last year’s Brontë Society writer-in-residence, will present readings and writings from 7.30pm tomorrow, and also host a creative writing workshop on Saturday from 2pm to 8pm.
There will also be a literary trail around Haworth on Saturday, and a giant game of Wuthering Heights poetry on the Parsonage lawn.
There will be writing workshops, covering graphic story writing on Saturday and Gothic fantasy on Sunday. Readings by Ilkley and Calderdale Young Writers will be held from noon on Saturday.
The Parsonage will host a drop-in writing session from 10.30am to 4pm on Sunday, when people can create their own work inspired by the Brontës and the museum.
Bridport News talks about the pop-up Brontë play that took place last week in Bridport:
The weekend started with a performance at The Avenue restaurant of a community pop-up play about the Brontë sisters, taken from The Domestic Theatre Handbook by Beth Shaw – who came to direct it herself.
Parts were distributed to the audience, and unexpected acting talents were discovered as the roles of Charlotte Brontë, Mr Rochester and Heathcliffe (sic) and Cathy amongst others were handed out to willing – and some reluctant participants. (Anne Bell)
The Yorkshire Post has an article about the opening of Emily's by De Luca at the Brontë Birthplace in Thornton:
Birthplace of Brontës opens new chapter as a deli.
The House where the Brontë sisters were born is being transformed into a literary-themed delicatessen in tribute to them.
(Via Facebook Wall
Wall Street Journal reviews the novel Mannequin Girl by Ellen Litman:
When she is six she is diagnosed with scoliosis and sent to a special boarding school. ("Like in 'Jane Eyre,' " her mother says, "except you get to go home on weekends." "Didn't she almost starve there?" her father asks.) (Sam Sacks
The Telegraph on luxury ski chalets:
Ooooh. Brooding luxury. It may look like the setting for an alpine Wuthering Heights, but this is the peaceful and rustic village of Combloux near the French resort of Megève, a favourite with the rich and richer. (Hugh Morris)
Broadway World-Australia reviews the Boris & Sergey's Vaudevillian Adventure as presented at the Adelaide Fringe Festival 2014:
This production will stay with you for a long time after, indelibly etched onto your memory. You will never be able to listen to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights again without a vision of Boris in a white dress dancing to the music, and the thought of a game of poker will strike terror into the hearts of those of weak constitution. (Barry Lenny)
And Montgomery Media reviews a local production of Charles Ludlam's The Mystery of Irma Vep:
Ludlam stuffed his plays full of movie references, classical quotations and take-offs from literature. “Irma Vep,” for instance, grafts together bits of “Wuthering Heights,” “Gaslight” and “Rebecca,” plus echoes of cheesy thrillers with wolfmen and ghostly apparitions, as well as the occasional citation from Shakespeare and Poe. (Dante J.J. Bevilacqua)
Central Illinois News-Gazette discovers another Brontëite: the author Janice N. Harrington:
Character in a novel: Jane Eyre. (Jeff D'Alessio)
YNaija gives you sound advice:
Things that deserve a second chance
14. The book that you couldn’t get through your sophomore year of English.
The specter of your tattered copy of Wuthering Heights will haunt you forever until you finish it. (Ami Angelowicz & Winona Dimeo-Ediger)
But according to Filmonic, Wuthering Heights 1992 is one of those films that sould make you cry but don't:
“CATHY!!!” Man, that Heathcliff is one whiny dude. You can’t really blame him, Cathy does like to torture him with her mind games. Then again, Heathcliff does the same thing to her. The two lead characters are so despicable, it’s nearly impossible to muster up much sympathy for either of them. (Brandy Anderson)
How to teach creative writing? Tessa Hadley puts an example in The Guardian:
Last week we spent half an hour or more looking in minute detail at two versions of a paragraph from Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea. She seems to achieve the compression and electric intensity of her final version through minimising the connective engineering of the syntax in her sentences, taking out explanations, excising the mediating voice from around the things seen. The students went home to work on a paragraph of their own, cutting and intensifying in that way, taking out what's flabby and banal.
Paultan (Malaysia) has a review of a car (the F56 MINI Cooper) with a Brontë touch:
Reinventing an icon isn’t a walk in the park. Instead of simply writing a new book, you effectively take an existing book, study the earlier and later chapters, and then come up with a new way to bridge the gap, such that it appeals to as many readers of all ages as possible.
If we consider that analogy, when the good folk at BMW were developing the all-new R50 MINI a-decade-and-a-half ago, the scale of the task must’ve been akin to reworking Wuthering Heights for the 21st century – and it wasn’t even written in their own language to begin with! (Jonathan James Tan)
Sud-Ouest (France) talks about the singer Nolwenn Leroy:
Nolwenn Leroy dit assumer un certain romantisme « mais celui des sœurs Brontë», sourit-elle. (Yannick Delneste) (Translation)
Le Monde (France) follows the new production of Jules Massenet's Werther at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York:
En transposant l'action du XVIIIe goethéen aux confins de la Belle Epoque (contemporaine de Massenet), le metteur en scène britannique, Richard Eyre, a troqué le roman d'apprentissage pour un romantisme noir digne d'un livre des sœurs Brontë. (Marie-Aude Roux) (Translation)
L'Orient Le Jour describes like this a new song by Michel Polnareff, Le Bal des Laze:
Atmosphère néogothique mi Brontë, mi-Lawrence sur fond de dialogue entre orgue classique et basse électrique pour ce Bal des Laze qui évoque tous les pendus et les révolutions antérieures, tout en annonçant les bals sombres à venir, tant ceux des vampires de Roman Polanski, du conte Dracula de Coppola ou celui de Kubrick dans Eyes Wide Shut. (Colette Khalaf) (Translation)
La Repubblica-Parma (Italy) reports a synchronized skating performance:
La squadra di pattinaggio sincronizzato parmense si prepara per i campionati nazionali della FIHP (Federazione Italiana Hockey e Pattinaggio), in programma a Firenze sabato 22 marzo. Le 16 giovani atlete dell’Artistic Skate Roller Parma interpretano con rigore e precisione il suggestivo “Cime tempestose”, presentando elementi di crescente difficoltà: cerchi, mulini, linee, blocchi e manovre di intersezione eseguiti in sequenza su tutta la superficie pattinabile e senza alcuna sosta. (Translation)
Gente Digital (Spain) presents the YA writer Esther Sanz:
Mientras muchos cambiaban cromos en el recreo, Esther Sanz crecía leyendo los clásicos de las hermanas Brontë y las páginas de Corín Tellado y es que, desde pequeña, ya sabía que lo suyo era la novela romántica. (Sandra Bravo) (Translation)
And now a curious thing. RNE-1 (Spain) interviews Bienvenido Llopis, author of  La censura franquista en el cartel de cine where he explores the censorship of the posters and cinema memorabilia in the Spain ruled under Franco's regime. Curiously enough it seems that the local poster of Wuthering Heights 1939 was an exception
El escritor reconoce que hay imágenes que no fueron censuradas y desconoce si fue por un descuido o por permisividad. El generoso escote de la protagonista de Cumbres borrascosas fue autorizado mientras otros más discretos, como el de Lara Turner en El hijo pródigo, fueron tapados. (Translation)
Stuff I Read-Bokpandan (in Swedish) reviews April Lindner's Jane;  Pagan Spirits reviews Cara Lockwood's Wuthering High.


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