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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday, December 28, 2013 2:39 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    1 comment
The Salisbury Journal reviews London's Calling (now on stage at the Salisbury Playhouse until January 18):
And the text extracts from authors including John Betjeman, Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, Sebastian Faulkes, Mervyn Peake and Shakespeare added depth – sometimes with pathos, sometimes with humour or drama. (Morwenna Blake)
Reason magazine traces the origins of the term glamour:
During the 19th century, glamour expanded to include less literal charms, while maintaining the sense of making things look better than they really were. "The glamour of inexperience is over your eyes," Mr. Rochester tells Jane Eyre when she calls his mansion splendid, "and you see it through a charmed medium: you cannot discern that the gilding is slime and the silk draperies cobwebs; that the marble is sordid slate, and the polished woods mere refuse chips and scaly bark." (Virginia Postrel)
Parsha Malla summarises her 2013 reads in The Globe and Mail:
I binged on the stunning work of Anne Carson, and finally got to Wuthering Heights – which, if 170-odd years of accolades haven’t convinced you, is a hell of a story.
Oliver Kamm's explores in The Times the uses of 'bright' as an adverb:
The adverbial use of "brigh" is long established in English. Crystal cites Beowulf and Shakespeare. I can think of many other examples. Here is Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights: "The moon shone bright; a sprinkling of snow covered the ground, and I reflected that she might, possibly, have taken it into her head to walk about the garden, for refreshment." 
The Australian reviews the British Library's A Literary Christmas among other Christmass-y books:
Other highlights include Stevenson reading Thomas Hardy's poem The Oxen and a passage from Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. (Stephen Romei)
The Aldergrove Star has an article about dementia:
Diana, whose c.v. includes florist, actress and coach, was at first floored when her mom-in-law was diagnosed. “I’d only read Jane Eyre” (which deals in a very 19th-century way with dementia), she says. “I had to learn so much.”
Libreriamo (Italy) lists the most memorable female characters in literature:
 LE EROINE TRAGICHE – Quando si parla di personaggi femminili letterari non si può non pensare quasi subito alle storie non a lieto fine – come quelle di Anna Karenina, Emma Bovary e Catherine Earnshaw di "Cime tempestose". Se si esclude la fine tragica, questi tre personaggi sono diversissimi l'uno dall'altro, segno evidente che nei libri non esistono caratteri prefissati, da adottare ogni volta che si vuole raccontare un certo tipo di storia.  (...) Catherine di "Cime tempestose" ha un carattere ancora diverso: sospesa tra quella cattiveria un po' infantile che hanno le persone viziate, voglia di essere qualcuno, passione.  (Translation)
Finally, Mediamass has published a couple of news that are (literally) too good to be true:
According to the latest Watch and Listen magazine poll just out yesterday (Friday, December 27), BBC One's popular series Jane Eyre is now considered to be the Greatest Show in the History of Television.
To many of you it’s probably a familiar story. Once every decade, the world-renowned entertainment magazine Watch and Listen conducts a global poll of television producers and critics from 80 different countries and translated into 20 languages. The recognition of Jane Eyre (starring Ruth Wilson) in this decade's list doesn't come as much of a surprise. (Brent Meslow)
And this one is even better:
Rumors of a Jane Eyre reunion had the internet in a frenzy on Friday (December 27) as reports claimed that BBC One confirmed a revival of the popular sitcom for 2014.
Why in the world did Jane Eyre end?
When Jane Eyre came to an end, million viewers tuned in to say goodbye to Jane Eyre (Ruth Wilson). And since then, they have been itching for a reunion.
Would a Jane Eyre reunion disappoint people?
Jane Eyre is considered one of the most influential TV shows ever on pop culture. Although no original episodes have been shot since, it has remained a regular feature on many station's schedules. But Wilson said she's not sure if Jane Eyre would work today. “I don't want to see old Jane Eyre,” she told a journalist (Wilson turned 31 in January). “Everyone’s going to have different vision of what the character is like, so to have that materialize is going to disappoint most people,” she added. (Bryan Murray)
By the way, marion davies publishes a gif collage of Jane Eyre 2006 (via fyje).

Antena3TV (Spain) informs of the broadcast of Jane Eyre 2011 next Monday (22.10 h); I Captured the Period Pieces posts a lot of nice caps of the film; grande caps continues doing caps of the webseries The Autobiography of Jane EyreFiction State of Mind reviews Agnes Grey.

1 comment:

  1. "revival of the popular sitcom" ... The what now? o.O

    Oh: "The Mediamass Project : Media criticism through satire" That explains it. http://en.mediamass.net/blog/mediamass-project
