
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Richard Osman gives clues to win at Trivial Pursuit in The Guardian:
[L]earn a few lists. My tips would be Oscar -winning films, kings and queens of England and capital cities of the world. If you know everything on these lists, people will think you are clever for the rest of your life.
And if all that fails, then the answer is probably Charlotte Brontë. Good luck!
Also in The Observer Catherine Bennett defends the validity of all-women literary awards like the Baileys (ex Orange) award:
Yet, while the men-excluding prize is associated – at least by Baileys – with celebration, and described by one supporter, Martha Lane Fox, as "joyous, glamorous, high profile", affirmative action anywhere else is continually denounced as demeaning and out of the question, often by influential, nominally feminist women, competing to see who can sound most like Kingsley Amis or, to be more accurate, Robert Southey, when he told Charlotte Brontë to put a sock in it ("Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life").
The Illinois Valley News Tribune reports the publishing of a ballad poem by a local author, Kiersch Haase, Violae:
Though she’s never been to Yorkshire in England, Lucia Kiersch Haase wrote her 45-page epic from the point of view of her own character. She did a great deal of research before trying to write in the “voice” of Megan Flame, a fictitious writer in England who has been inspired by the works of the Brontë sisters.
Kiersch Haase usually writes in sonnet or a formal verse. This time it’s all in ballad form. She’s written in the form before, but never one that could be considered a book. (...)
Kiersch Haase said members of her online community helped her with the editing process. Some of them are from parts of England not far from the moors and the land described by the Brontës in their 1800s works.
Kiersch Haase’s ballad, “Violae,” she said, is a love poem set in the latter 1800s. It’s about Violae, “who meets Theobald, the true love of her life,” a press release from Kiersch Haase noted. (Craig Sterrett)
El Confidencial (Spain) lists the going-to-bed habits of several writers/celebrities:
La autora de Cumbres borrascosas sufrió problemas de insomnio a lo largo de toda su vida, lo que muchas veces provocaba que diese vueltas alrededor de su habitación con el objetivo de cansarse y, así, conciliar mejor el sueño. Aunque la estrategia tiene su lógica, probablemente sería poco útil, ya que el cansancio sería contrarrestado por una acuciante sensación de nerviosismo causada por la activación del ejercicio físico. El insomnio ha sido, no obstante, una fecunda inspiración para poetas de muy diferente pelaje, como es el caso de Walt Whitman o Robert Frost, cuyos trabajos se recogen junto al de Brontë en el volumen Acquainted with the Night: Insomnia Poets (Columbia University Press). (Héctor G. Barnés) (Translation)
Stefania Marini sings the wonders of the traditional book love in Il Tempo (Italy):
Quelli che dopo anni custodiscono ancora gelosamente l’«Antologia di Spoon River» ricevuta in regalo da un amico, con tanto di dedica vergata dalla biro blu sul frontespizio, oppure spolverano con cura nella libreria del salotto la collezione dei romanzi di Jane Austen e nei pomeriggi uggiosi amano rileggere pagine, che ormai conoscono a menadito, di «Cime tempestose» e «La mia Africa». (Translation)
The News-Leader is not very conviced about the BabyLit classic books for toddlers; CubaSí announces the screening of Wuthering Heights 2011 in the XXXV La Habana Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano (5-15 December) in an Andrea Arnold retrospective; the film is reviewed on harimohan paruvu; Linda blogs about her visit to Haworth and the Brontë Parsonage Museum on the English University of Leicester Blog; the harsh light of day... reviews Jane Eyre; Ordinary Reader has not loved Charlotte Brontë's first book, The Professor; via fuck yeah Jane Eyre we found this lovely Jane Eyre collage by Kiss Me Hardy, Kiss Me Quick.


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