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Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013 10:42 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Tonight's broadcast of Jane Eyre 2011 (8:30 pm) on BBC Two (also on December 27, 01:30 h) is mentioned in The Independent:
If you’ve had enough of all the Christmas cheer being flung about, there are plenty of non-festive offerings on the box.
The latest remake of Jane Eyre, starring Michael Fassbender, is a beautifully slow film – with not a mention of Christmas. (Rose Troup Buchanan)
Not the only TV channel scheduling Jane Eyre 2011 this Christmas. TV3 (New Zealand) also airs Cary Fukunaga's version on Christmas day (11:50 am). Fuck yeah Jane Eyre reposts a nice gif collage from this version originally from the aestically pleasing movies tumblr.

Yorkshire Post is already recommending post-Christmas walks:
Brontë Way & Top Withens
While the full Brontë Way route tops 43 miles in length, don’t feel you have to do it all straight after your Christmas dinner. Instead, complete a more modest leg, and visit Top Withens, a ruined farmhouse just south-west of Haworth said to be the inspiration for the Earnshaw home from Emily Brontë’s world-famous novel Wuthering Heights. Needless to say, it’s best to wrap up warm, but pack your camera too, as the views really are breath-taking.
For a warming coffee stop, try one of the many delightful cafés on the cobbled main street. And to finish off a Brontë-themed day, swing by the famous Brontë Parsonage in Haworth itself where the sisters wrote their novels. It reopens after Christmas on December 27.
Levante (Spain) remembers when it was usual to translate the names of the characters and authors of novels into Spanish:
Ha caído en mis manos Jane Eyre, la novela de Charlotte Brontë cuya última versión cinematográfica pude ver recientemente. Lo curioso es que el libro, traducción de José Fernández Z., edición de 2003, se refiere en su texto a Juana Eyre y a la autora la llama Carlota. Esta manía de traducir al castellano los nombres propios resulta un tanto ridícula. (Rafael Parts Rivelles) (Translation)
ABC (Spain) remembers the influence of Charlotte Brontë on Hannah Craft's The Bondwoman's Narrative:
Una vez autentificado, fue publicado por Warner Books (ahora Grand Central Publishing) y en 2002 «The Bondwoman’s Narrative» se convirtió en un auténtico éxito de ventas y tuvo gran aceptación por parte de la crítica, que llegó a elogiar la representación dramática de la vida en el Sur a mediados de 1850 a través de los ojos de una sirvienta culta y refinada con claras influencias de Dickens o Charlotte Brontë. (Inés Martín Rodrigo) (Translation)
5-Plus Dimanche (Mauritius) highlights a local citizen and reader of the Brontës; RadiantLit reviews the Cozy Classics adaptation of Jane Eyre; Romanzi 2.0 (in Italian) posts about Wuthering Heights; Jane Entre Linhas (in Portuguese) reviews its 2011 film adaptation.


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