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Monday, December 30, 2013

The Scotsman reviews How To Be A Heroine (Or, what I’ve learned from reading too much) by Samantha Ellis:
An argument with her best friend during a visit to Brontë country – she champions Cathy Earnshaw, her friend, Jane Eyre – leads Ellis to revisit the most important books of her life. “I had read to find out what kind of woman I might want to be, lived through my heroines, and rehearsed lives I might live,” she tells us. Years on she finds some of these characters remain robust, some she has wildly misunderstood, and some now horrify, leading her to explore a new cast of literary role models.
Yorkshire Post interviews the painter Ashley Jackson:
He calls himself the “People’s Artist” and says he strives to “do with my painting what the Brontës did with their writing”.
Flavorwire lists ten 'literary portraits of a Young Artist'. It's curious to see Anne Brontë besides James Joyce:
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Brontë’s controversial, protofeminist, epistolary novel — about a woman who escapes an abusive marriage and reclaims ownership over her life and artistic freedom (her paintings narrate the events of her battle) — rattled critics and sister Charlotte. The oldest Brontë halted its re-publication. However, there is great speculation on the reasons behind this. (Alison Nastasi)
Telelocura (Spain) is looking forward to watching Jane Eyre 2011 on the Spanish TV channel Antena 3 TV tonight:
Este film, que ha sido adaptado en una veintena de ocasiones a la gran pantalla desde 1910, subraya los aspectos góticos de la novela, construyendo una atmósfera inquietante a partir de unos colores apagados, neblina omnipresente y habitaciones poco iluminadas. En las versiones que se han hecho de la película destacan la de Robert Stevenson de 1944, con Orson Welles y Joan Fontaine, y la de Franco Zeffirelli, que data de 1996. (Elisa Blanco) (Translation)
Estado de Minas (Brazil) runs a story about some evacués in Belo Horizonte:
O cachimbo que pertenceu ao avô, os livros preferidos – contos de Machado de Assis e O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes, de Emily Brontë –,uma garrafa de hidromel produzido pelo pai e, claro, os documentos. (Gustavo Werneck) (Translation)
Diario de León (Spain) talks about women writers but it is quite wrong when it says
En la historia quedará ya como algo inédito la imagen de la inglesa Charlotte Brönte (sic) (1816-1855) escondiendo el manuscrito de Jane Eyre para ponerse a la tarea de pelar patatas y, como ella, sus hermanas Emily (1818-1849) y Anne (1820-1849) tuvieron que esconderse bajo seudónimos masculinos. (Carmen Sigüenza) (Translation)
This is one of those things to be found on the net for some time, especially on Spanish speaking websites and that is, as you know, completely wrong. It would be nice if the journalists checked their sources and not repeated each and every thing they see on the net.

Winter is Coming (in French) reviews Wuthering Heights; eurocultav reviews the Blu-ray edition of Jane Eyre 1944. Vodzilla posts about Wuthering Heights 2011.


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