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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013 1:00 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
An exhibiton in Charleston contais dresses inspired by the Brontës:
Cathy Earnshaws and Elizabeth Bennets generally don't have that much in common. One, the headstrong heroine of Wuthering Heights, is reckless and passionate, in touch with her inner wildness, beautiful but cruel. If, during your girlish literary daydreams, you imagine yourself running across a misty moor, your unkempt hair flying behind you, you might be a Cathy.

The other, the "prejudice" in Jane Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice, is independent and a bit mischievous, but always held together. If your dearest fantasy involves dancing decorously in a beautiful ballroom while you swap witty remarks with a wealthy, handsome stranger, you're almost certainly an Elizabeth Bennet.
The two fictitious ladies really couldn't be more different, but through April, you'll find them both at the Charleston Museum — in spirit, at least.  (Elizabeth Pandolfi in Charleston City Paper)
Fashion in Fiction
From the pages of classic literature comes the Charleston Museum’s latest textile exhibit, Fashion in Fiction, on exhibit October 19, 2013 to April 6, 2014. This exhibit explores the fundamental role clothing and style play in some of our most beloved works of fiction. From Jane Austen’s sprigged muslin dresses to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s swinging flappers and dapper gents, fashion often becomes integral to a story and even helps to fix it to a particular time in history. Using clothing and accessories from our historic textiles collection as well as books and illustrations from the Archives, the Charleston Museum offers a light-hearted look at popular 19th and early 20th century fashions and shows off styles brought to life by some of literature’s most memorable characters.


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