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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 9:25 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Francine Prose wonders How Do We Judge Books Written Under Pseudonyms? in The New York Times.
Advised by the poet Robert Southey that “literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life, and it ought not to be,” Charlotte Brontë took the sensible step of publishing, with her sisters Emily and Anne, a volume of poetry supposedly by Currer, Acton and Ellis Bell — three brothers more hormonally suited to making literature their business. It’s depressingly easy to understand why women of past centuries, or any century, would — like the Georges, Sand and Eliot — write under a male name.
The new criteria for English literature GCSEs are discussed in the Guardian.
Under the revised criteria for English literature GCSEs just published, students will have to study a 19th-century novel alongside romantic poetry and 20th- and 21st-century drama and fiction – so many, many more students will now encounter Austen and Dickens, not to mention Emily Brontë, George Eliot and Thomas Hardy. (Elizabeth Truss)
Good advice in the Financial Channel's review of the book Financial Analysis in Practice by Georgian author Shalva Akhrakhadze.
If you love reading books only like Jane Eyre, do not read this book!
There go the hopes of all who were expecting Financial Analysis in Practice to be the 21st-century Jane Eyre. Sorry.

Mojo shares an exclusive extract from Touched by Grace by Gary Lucas where he 'describes his first meeting with Jeff Buckley, at a Greetings From Tim Buckley Concert at Brooklyn’s Church Of St Ann in 1991':
I gave him my address and set up a meeting for the next day. I really liked the guy on first impression — what was not to like? He had such a sweet intensity. There was a touch of the ragamuffin orphan and the strange foundling about him — kind of like a young Heathcliff.
A columnist from The Jewish Daily Forward writes about her brother who 'had a budding writing career as the long-lost brother of Emily Brontë'. Mirabile Dictu discusses Jane Eyre while BritLit discusses the relationship between Jane and Rochester. Romancing History has a post on 'Dark Heroes vs. Bullies, a discussion of Wuthering Heights Heathcliff'. Of Books and Bicycles reviews A True Novel, by Minae Mizumura. Hathaways of Haworth studies the possible photograph of the Brontë sisters.


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