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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:38 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Sabotage Reviews features the forthcoming anthology Red Room, edited by A. J. Ashworth.
If I were a Trustee of The Brontë Birthplace Trust, I would be proud to have Red Room as a means of raising funds. This is a fantastic collection of stories, a real treat for all Brontë-lovers and for those who simply love a good read. (Rebecca Burns)
We can't help but nod in agreement. Stay tuned for our review of the book soon.

Bronteïte singer Laura Marling has a new music video for her song Devil's Resting Place and a couple of news outlets compare it to Wuthering Heights. From Under the Gun Review:
Beautifully shot and as haunting as the music itself, the video combines woodland nature with contemporary dancing for some powerful, movie-esque shots. Directed by Fred Scott and Nick Davies, the video follows a woman in Victorian garments lost in the woods before she returns to her Wuthering Heights era mansion. Just as Marling promises (“When you come to call on me that’s why my eyes are glazed/ I’ve been with the devil in the devil’s resting place”), the devil meanders over (you’ve always pictured him as a fan of wide-brimmed hats and bird tattoos, right?) and starts an exorcism-like dance in the woman. (Nina Corcoran)
And from Stereogum:
In the video, a woman in Victorian garb wanders through the woods before returning to her spooky mansion a la Wuthering Heights, as Marling sings: “When you come to call on me that’s why my eyes are glazed/ I’ve been with the devil in the devil’s resting place.” (Gabriela Tully Claymore)
The Citizen features comedian Bridget Christie.
A Bic for Her was inspired by Bic's pink biro, specially designed for women. The pink pen gives Bridget comic fodder. In her show she reportedly holds a regular biro as if struggling with the weight of it, and says: "I expect that's why the Brontës were so bad at writing."
Evolution News and Views is a bit tongue in cheek about a science article revealing the source of imagination.
So what did they find? It turns out that a cortical and subcortical network over a large part of the brain was responsible for the imagery manipulations.
Ah, the "cortical and subcortical network over a large part of the brain" -- that explains it. The physical location where ideas or images are manipulated is their source. But if that's the concept, there was no need to wait for the advent of fancy medical imaging technology for this revelation.
For the "source" of every great thinker's genius, you shouldn't need to look further than the writing room or painter's studio where he does his work. The source of Darwin's theories? Why, the study at Down House. Of, oh let's say, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre? Miss Brontë's writing room. (David Klinghoffer)
ABC Mornings (Australia) has a podcast with a discussion of books made into films. Posts on Jane Eyre on Double Page (in French) and Ramiels Bücherschrank (in German). The Brontë Parsonage Facebook page shows Charlotte and Arthur's marriage settlement, Charlotte's keepsake box and a picture of James Roosevelt (son of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt) on a visit to the Parsonage in 1939.

Finally, we have received an email sharing the following with our readers:
... thought you might like this video two Rosary High School seniors made for their Fun with Jane Eyre project:
We've posted more photos on our Facebook page (Rosary High School Aurora, IL) with this project description: After reading the literary classic Jane Eyre, Mrs. Shay's senior English classes were asked to exhibit their understanding of the complexity of characterization and the significance of symbolism and metaphor using their creativity. Presentations could be through art mediums, posters, skits, videos, or song.


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