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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013 3:33 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Daily Mail talks about the Brownlee brothers, Yorkshire born and bred:
Triathletes Alistair and Jonny Brownlee, Olympic champion and bronze medallist respectively, were on TV twice this week: the world championship final on BBC1 and the BT Sport documentary Keeping Up With The Brownlees.
With repeated shots of sweeping moors and rushing rivers — proper Brontë country — the latter at times doubled as a promotional video for the Yorkshire Tourist Board. You half-expected Kate Bush to leap out from behind a drystone wall and launch into Wuthering Heights. (Boris Starling)
Women and dangerous liaisons in The Observer:
And it is not an entirely harmless attraction, [Marina] Warner feels, if it means that women justify being drawn to men who will hurt them. It has been a powerful tradition in fiction, nevertheless, with cads abounding across the genres and down the ages, from the seducer Robert Lovelace in Samuel Richardson's Clarissa, to the Brontë sisters' lasting contributions: Mr Rochester from Jane Eyre and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. There has to be a sense of jeopardy in this kind of love, whether it is in Heathcliff's threat to Catherine Earnshaw's eternal soul ("may you not rest as long as I am living"); or in the blind devotion of Nancy to Dickens's thuggish Bill Sykes in Oliver Twist; or in the murderous denouement that ends the bleak relationship between Alec d'Urberville and Hardy's Tess. (Vanessa Thorpe)
Keighley News reports another initiative for next year's Tour de France days in Yorkshire:
“Turf sculptures” featuring some of the Worth Valley’s distinctive local themes were recommended as another way of celebrating the arrival of next summer’s Tour de France. (...)
Suggested creations could include a giant steam train near Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, a Brontë-themed design, and the Fairtrade logo to symbolise Haworth’s official Fairtrade status.
The Austin Chronicle on fan-fiction:
Even the Brontë sisters wrote fan fiction about characters they nerded out on as little girls (Google it if you don't believe me). (Clay Liford)
Bone-Idle reviews the film Austenland:
JJ Feild does a decent job as Henry Nobley also. He channels a bit of Brontë’s Rochester with his grumpy facade, but this can occasionally come across as a little bland when contrasted with the films tone. (Stephen Hill)
Wessex Scene has advice for freshers:
While packing up those cheap Wilko saucepans (I implore you, invest in some good ones, six months in I was basically eating rust), your duvet and your new notepads, remember to slip in some of those comforting old books, dog-eared from countless readings. It could be Harry Potter or Jane Eyre or even Twilight… (Emer Byrne)
El Día de Valladolid (Spain) reviews the novel El Sabor de tu Sangre by Dioni Arroyo:
Inspirado por obras clásicas como 'Cumbres Borrascosas', de Emily Brontë, o las 'Leyendas' de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Arroyo ha reconocido que la experiencia acumulada en sus anteriores trabajos le ha llevado a cuidar más la intriga o la psicología de los personajes, aunque ha reconocido que ha supuesto un "nuevo desafío" por tratarse de un género inédito para él, que hasta ahora se había dedicado a la novelas negra o de ciencia ficción. (Translation)
The Reader's Corner reviews Wide Sargasso SeaMensagem de Isa (in Portuguese) posts about Agnes Grey; El Blog Perdido de Laura (in Spanish) reviews Jane Eyre 2006.


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