
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Monday, July 08, 2013

Stay Thirsty lists several new emergent poets. Including Caitlin Doyle:
"She shares Flannery O'Connor and Faulkner's Southern-gothic flair for unsettling (sometimes comic) domestic scenes. The Brontë sisters, Isak Dinesen's tales, and Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market' also spring to mind, for in Doyle's modern-day rhymes, there are most certainly goblins lurking in the forest and madwomen hiding in the attic."  (Abriana Jetté)
The Telegraph & Argus talks about the opening of the Yorkshire British Film Institute Mediatheque (at the National Media Museum in Bradford):
Highlights include (...) Andrea Arnold’s 2010 film of Wuthering Heights. (Emma Clayton)
Coincidentally, Flickering Myth mentions Andrea Arnold's film:
Andrea Arnold has gone to ground since her (admirable) 2011 misfire Wuthering Heights. (Brogan Morris)
And DVD Talk reviews the DVD release:
Though perhaps it won't please the Brontë purists or those who prefer more heaving bosoms in their gothic romance, Andrea Arnold's adaptation of Wuthering Heights is breathtaking in its own right. Depicting the familiar story as an unforgiving, often cruel study of misguided love and class struggle, this scrappy rendition ratchets up both the brooding and the social commentary. Working with a largely unknown cast, Arnold contemporizes the narrative even as she guts it, making for an emotionally intriguing movie that does away with one's expectations of the material. Shot on location and in the most unforgiving of conditions, Wuthering Heights is a visual stunner, as well. Recommended. (Jamie S. Rich)
The Times of India reviews Em and the Big Hoom by Jerry Pinto:
Remember the shell-shocked World War I veteran Septimus Smith in VirginiaWoolf's Mrs. Dalloway or Bertha Mason, the madwoman in the attic of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre? While the former's broken cries are deemed 'abnormal' and 'crazy', the latter is locked up in a room vis-a-vis her 'bestial' disposition. Madness, in this novel is not the opposite of what is normal or sane; it voices the suppressed and that which is hidden. (Ipshita Mitra)
The Business Times (Singapore) salutes the appointment of  Dr Susie Lingham to the position of director of the Singapore Art Museum:
She recalls: "As a young girl, I was already exposed to great books like Wuthering Heights and that's how I came to love literature. Art is similar - you must expose great art to people even at a young age, and guide them towards appreciating that complexity." (Helmi Yusof)
The writer Bárbara Jacobs writes an article in La Jornada (México) about her love for the Brontës:
Anoche pasaba por tele Jane Eyre, no quise ni siquiera detenerme a averiguar de qué versión se trataba, de inmediato supe a qué grado seguía yo literalmente apaleada por su lectura, tardía, muy tardía, de hace apenas unos meses, cuando me arrolló, deslumbró, apabulló, mientras leía me preguntaba qué habría podido desatar semejante conocimiento de la violencia en las emociones, imaginaba (porque entonces y a pesar de todo, conocía poco, escasamente, a la familia Brontë) a tres hermanas aisladas del mundo en los páramos del norte de Inglaterra, sin libros, sin vecinos, las hijas de un clérigo viudo y hermanas de un joven del que sabía aún menos, de dónde la necesidad de Charlotte de dar expresión al mal, con una técnica tan eficaz, como en manos de un escritor que ha leído todo, que ha incurrido en todo y que ha pasado por todo, incluyendo maestrías, doctorados, talleres, diplomados, seminarios, cursos, cursillos, en letras, en escritura, en ensayos y en errores, en experiencia, en experiencia, en experiencia, no era posibleno poder detenerme pero leí sin parar, con los ojos abiertos, con el alma efectivamente en un hilo, cómo creer que una escritora del siglo XIX, sin mayor contacto –creía yo– con la ciencia ni el arte ni nada (...) (Read more) (Translation)
Último Segundo (Brazil) covers the 11th Festa Literária de Paraty. Blunder included:
O mediador da palestra pediu que Lydia comentasse a influência do escritor irlandês Samuel Beckett. A norte-americana contou que o primeiro livro que leu do autor foi “A morte de Malone”, que começa com a narrativa de um episódio cotidiano: “O começo do livro tem um enredo sobre um velhinho muito frágil, que estava na cama, e tinha perdido um lápis e algumas páginas depois ele o reencontra. Foi uma revelação para mim, depois de Jane Eyre, de (Emily) (sic) Brontë. Foi uma coisa fascinante ler sobre uma pessoa que perde um lápis e depois o encontra. Beckett tem uma linguagem simples e por trás um pensamento muito complexo”. (Aline Viana) (Translation)
The Brontë Sisters posts about the Nussey family; Vampires in the Sunburnt Country and Le Projet d'Amour  review Alison Croggon's Black Spring; The Literary Knitter has read Wuthering Heights; CTrent29 Journal posts a gallery of Jane Eyre 2011 images; TrendHunter talks about the Thornfield in Flame spread in Vogue Italy; Morkitaplik (in Turkish) posts about Jane Eyre, the novel. Finally, Novel Days posts a triple review: Wuthering Heights, the novel, the 2011 film and April Lindner's Catherine.


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