Maddalena De Leo has written to us with the following information:
On Saturday 12nd February 2011 at 4 p.m. during the 1st edition of the ‘Italian Festival of the Mediterranean Book’ held near Naples, Italy, at the shopping centre ‘Vulcano Buono’, Professor Maddalena De Leo spoke of Charlotte Brontë’s ‘Henry Hastings’ and of her edition of the book. Sponsored by Albusedizioni she was introduced by the poet Giuseppe Vetromile who praised the care and efforts of Charlotte’s translator to make the text of this tale known at last to a wide range of Italian readers. ‘Henry Hastings’ said Mr Bianco, the publisher at Albusedizioni, ‘might be shortly followed by another Brontë juvenilia Professor De Leo has just completed, so Italian public has only to wait…’
Let’s hope this day can come soon!
Categories: Talks
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