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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 12:05 am by M. in    5 comments
BrontëBlog is three years old today. We began inspired by Austenblog, surprised at the influence Jane Austen still had on current popular culture. What we didn't know and what still amazes us day after day was that the Brontës had as much influence and were just as alive in the media - whether sometimes for all the wrong reasons is for you to decide.

Neither were we expecting to meet such wonderful people as we have. Both the blog - either in the posts themselves or the comments box - and our email account (bronteblog AT gmail DOT com) have on most occasions been the source of unexpected, incredible surprises.

As far as we can judge, these last three years have been among the most prolific in Brontë releases/creative products. A good many new books have joined previous ones on our (and yours?) bookshelves and we have been lucky enough to be able to give some of those away among our readers thanks to the generosity of many publishers.

Less tangible things include our efforts to get George Smith a plaque (or two) in London, because apart from publishing Charlotte Brontë's works from the very first, he - through his publishing house Smith, Elder & Co - went on to publish Emily's and Anne's as well as many other contemporaries. This is still ongoing and for the moment we can't comment much on it but we hope we will have good news in the future.

While not affiliated - although members of - in any way with them, it is impossible to treat the subject of the Brontës in depth and not encounter the Brontë Society along the way. It is a pleasure for us to exchange emails and even to have met some of the people who probably do the most to keep the memory of the Brontës alive. It was a fantastic treat for us to be able to play messengers in bringing 'home' a letter by Charlotte Brontë. Also - as a way to celebrate - we have added an Everyclick search box on our sidebar which arises money for the Brontë Society the more you search the blog through it. So please be our guests and search away!

And finally a big, huge thank you to our readers - especially to the regulars, but also to the people who come looking for something in particular. While this blog is completely a labour of love it is a great thing to know there are people out there just as amused/outraged/saddened/glad/surprised/expectant as we are when we read certain news. Also thanks to the people whose blogs we have linked to for mentioning the Brontës (sometimes even us too!).

Here's hoping you will abide with us more years! (Cristina)



  1. Congratulations!!! You do a wonderful job and I'm sure somewhere the Brontë ladies are proud and happy to be represented by such dedicated fans.

  2. Happy Blogday! I read you every day to keep my levels of Bronte-knowledge fully topped up. Here's to another three!

  3. Happy Birthday, Bronteblog!

    Well done and thank you for for all the hard work you guys put in to this blog!

    I'll echo Kirsty's sentiments: Another three years and more!

  4. Thanks so much for the well wishes and kind words - they're highly appreciated! :D

  5. I'm no Bronte scholar, but I really enjoy your blog. You're always finding interesting things to report. Thanks for all the work you put into it.
