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Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007 1:50 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Jane Shilling describes in The Times what she thinks is 'to dress like Jane Eyre':
I encountered the extreme version of this handy rule in Moscow, at a book fair in the preperestroika 1980s, which I attended dressed like Jane Eyre, all scrubbed face and orphan’s homespun, on the ground that communist women would despise such capitalist frivolities as dress. Only to find myself blinded by the lavishly sequined daywear and dazzling jewels of the Cuban, Ukrainian and Azerbaijani delegates.
The Portuguese Jornal de Notícias presents the new book by Agustina Bessa-Luís and Graça Morais: As Metamorfoses. It seems that the book contains some references to Emily Brontë:
Nas 115 páginas, há também incursões pela obra de Ovídio e evocações frequentes a Musil, Maeterlinck, Emily Brontë e Flaubert, afinal, a própria genealogia literária da escritora que celebrou há pouco mais de um mês o 85.º aniversário. (Agostinho Santos and Sérgio Almeida)
La Opinión de Tenerife has an article about Artemisa Ediciones that mentions their recent new Spanish translation of Wuthering Heights with the Balthus illustrations. Corinna Henrich in Kritische Ausgabe selects Jane Eyre in her top ten 2007 readings.

This Just in... News From the Agony Column reviews The Complete Book of Aunts by Rupert Christiansen with Beth Brophy that we presented some time ago. Textual Frigate continues its series of posts about Wuthering Heights. When the Enchantress Whispers to the Beasts posts about how different artists have portrayed Jane Eyre. Regrettably the author confuses George Richmond's 1850 drawing of Charlotte Brontë with Jane Eyre herself and Evert A. Duyckinick's 1873 idealized portrait of Charlotte with the real Charlotte. Zona de noticias discovers a new Brontëite, Peruvian Poet Carmen Ollé.
Zona de noticias points out that the origin of the quoted information is an article in the Caretas magazine.

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