The American edition of Claire Harman's biography of Charlotte Brontë is coming out in March in the United States and it is one of the books of 2016 that The Millions is looking forward to.
Charlotte Brontë by Claire Harman: Arriving just in time for Charlotte Brontë’s 200th birthday, this biography will speak to those already familiar with her life story as well as those who have never read a word of her novels. This isn’t the first or last biography we’ll have of Brontë, but according to advance reviews from across the pond, it may be the most novelistic. Harman brings a storyteller’s finesse as she synthesizes decades of research and scholarship, and a realist’s eye to some of the more romantic Brontë myths. (Hannah)Author John B Keane's daughter Joanna Keane is a secondary school teacher in Tralee (Ireland) and she speaks about teaching literature in The Irish Times.
I’ve been teaching English, and a smattering of Gaeilge, for more than 25 years. I love my job at Presentation Secondary School, Tralee. I get a great kick out of the animated, lively responses of our girls to great literature.Popcorn TV (Italy) has a top 5 of Wuthering Heights film adaptations. Constanza Mayer is vlogging about Jane Eyre. Finally, an alert from Hillsborough, NC:
I have enjoyed our collective analysis of Hamlet’s procrastination, Macbeth’s mind “full of scorpions” and Lear’s self- destructive pride. We have been saddened at Pegeen’s sorrow, enchanted when Cathy declared that her eternal love for Heathcliff was like the “rocks beneath”. We have argued over Nora’s controversial decision to leave Helmer. We have stopped by woods on a snowy evening and cried real tears over Plath.
Mystery Brewing Company's Official Book Club
Wuthering Heights
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
7:00 PM
Mystery Brewing Public House
230 South Nash St, Hillsborough, NC
The book that everybody loves to hate. It's controversial! Is it a tale of romance or a Victorian diatribe about domestic abuse or BOTH? Read this classic and then come talk about it. Do you love it? Do you hate it? Which Mystery beer is named after it? This will almost definitely end up being an interesting conversation about an incredibly interesting book. may be the most novelistic.
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