
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Not Dating Heathcliff

The Derby Telegraph recommends the ChapterHouse touring Jane Eyre performance in Buxton for this upcoming bank holiday:
Chapterhouse Theatre Company presents Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre in one of the few open air venues in Britain, Pavilion Arts Centre in Buxton. Can easily be enjoyed as a family or with a bottle of something cold – umbrella advised!
Same for the Liverpool Echo:
Jane Eyre is coming to Liverpool’s Exchange Flags. (...)
And if your name is Jane you could be in with a chance for an extra special evening.
The first 10 Janes to get through the doors on the day of the production and prove their names will receive free entry and a complimentary house drink from Fazenda Rodizio Bar & Grill. (Catherine Jones)
Cambrian News announces yet another Brontë-related piece of sorts, Lip Service's Withering Looks:
A spoof on the lives of the Brontë sisters, Withering Looks, is to appear at Neuadd Dwyfor in Pwllheli this evening (Thursday).
An authentic insight into the lives and works of the three Brontë sisters — well, two of them actually, Anne’s just popped out for a cup of sugar.
The wind turbines issue in Brontë country is again in the news. The Telegraph & Argus report of a new application:
 A detailed statement accompanying the application explains: "The proposed wind turbine will be sited in a field of grazing land approximately 385 metres east of the A6033 Hebden Road, the nearest major road.
"An existing turbine owned by the applicant lies 236 metres to the west of the proposed site.
"The development is being put forward to generate renewable energy for the National Grid and to help meet the Government’s renewable energy targets and obligations.
"It would also off-set the high energy usage of the joint applicant’s businesses and reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
The statement points out the turbine would be designed and located to minimise impact on the surrounding landscape's appearance, character and wildlife.
It also notes: "The proposed turbine will not be visible from the area around the [Brontë] Parsonage and [Haworth Parish] Church or the top end of Haworth Main Street near the Black Bull."
A spokesman for the Brontë Society said it was aware of the application, but did not currently wish to comment.
The plans will be decided by Bradford Council. (Miran Rahman)
The Irish Times talks with the writer Kathy Lette:
Favourite authors? (Brian Campbell)
The Brontës - I am a walking Brontosaurus; Jane Austen - a barbed commentator on the battle between the sexes; and Flaubert. Madame Bovary’s salutary tale of marital double standards could be renamed `The Mourning after the Knot Before’.
Gina Barreca in The Hartford Courant doesn't date any Heathcliff:
Believing my passionate, unbridled, unedited reactions to any kind of emotional incident meant that I was a deeply intricate and complex soul. It took me long years to realize I more or less couldn't contain myself. I did everything except run through the darkness shouting "Heathcliff! Heathcliff!" into the storm.
And that was only because I didn't date anybody named Heathcliff.
Gulf News interviews the Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan who has a colourful reading list:
“There are also autobiographies, like Gandhi’s and Hitler’s. But I want to get on to Wuthering Heights next. It’s amazing how those women came up with all these stories living in the middle of nowhere,” he says, referring to author Emily Brontë and her sisters. (David Tusing)
Wow reviews Abnormally Funny People, seen at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival:
New girl to the party is Caro Sparks and she lives right up to her name. Highlights of her set include finding out British Sign L anguage for c***and an unforgettable, fabulous signing version of Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights. I have never liked that song. Till now. (Kate Copstick)
The Upcoming reviews the Liv Ullman's film adapation of Miss Julie:
Love triangles are some of the most heartbreaking dilemmas, but the film fails to get a single tear from the audience. Surely, this is not an ardent romantic story akin to Wuthering Heights, but there is still a pronounced lack of emotional engagement in the direction that the performances are left to carry upon their shoulders. (Alejandro Arrieta)
The Millions discusses among other things endings in novels:
These are not the definitive endings of Shakespearean plays — there is no marriage or sweeping death — or Greek plays — there is no intervention from a god or interpretation from a chorus. Neither are they the end of Jane Eyre, where Jane finds her way back to a diminished Rochester, or the end of Age of Innocence, where we skip ahead many years to see that Archer’s choice (of how to live) was indeed permanent, or the end of Anna Karenina, where Anna throws herself under a train and Levin comes to religion, one forever unhappy and one forever happy. (Matthew Salesses)
Cooma-Monaro Express reviews the book An Economy is not a Society by Dennis Glover:
In its original political and economic usage, "reform" was a 19th Century movement that set out to build a sounder moral basis for the new economy being created by the Industrial Revolution, and he names "the great thinkers and writers of the day, most notably Charles Dickens, William Blake, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charlotte Brontë and many others ..." (Nick Goldie)
 Malta Today interviews the Libyan writer Hisham Matar:
What role could your work, and Libyan contemporary literature, can play in the much needed reconciliation process in Libya, which is plagued by deep divisions (tribal, regional, political etc.)? (Teodor Reljic)
Libya is being eaten up by the disease of revenge. In her 1847 masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë writes, “Treachery and violence are spears pointed at both ends – they wound those who resort to them worse than their enemies.” If you want to see a vivid example of this, look at Libya today.
Sentieri Selvaggi reviews the Ghibli film When Marnie was There:
L’atmosfera, in fondo, è ribadita dal “Marnie” del titolo, che tara la natura hitchcockiana di un racconto più vicino a certe suggestioni gotiche dell’autore inglese (si pensi a Rebecca la prima moglie) e contestualmente attento alle possibili reminiscenze dei romanzi ottocenteschi (fra Henry James, Dickens e Emily Brontë). (Davide di Giorgo) (Translation)
Todo Literatura (Spain) talks with the writer Rita Morrigan:
¿Quiénes son tus autoras clásicas favoritas del género romántico?
Por nuestra propia historia, el romanticismo en España apenas duró. En mi biblioteca están Rosalía de Castro y a Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Sin embargo, en el romanticismo inglés sí hay muchos más referentes. Las que están en mi biblioteca y que he releído varias veces son Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, las hermanas Brontë, Elizabeth Gaskell y Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Translation)
The Times-Union Superquiz has a Brontë-related question (not an easy one!); Beauty and Lace reviews Alison Case's Nelly Dean;  Spiral Nature reviews Jody Gentian Bower's Jane Eyre's Sisters. The Brontë Parsonage Facebook Wall publishes exciting news:
Our collections team have returned from London with some exciting new acquisitions, recently purchased at auction from Sotheby's! These two watercolour paintings attributed to Charlotte Brontë depict a white carnation and a study of a convolvulus, a crocus and an aster. We'll shortly be sending them away for some conservation work, and they'll be on display in 2016, Charlotte's bicentenary year!

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