
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Brontë Completists

The Telegraph & Argus talks about Yorskshire destinations for the upcoming bank holiday:
Haworth, the home of the famous literary family - the Brontës - is one of Yorkshire's popular tourist destinations.
Doreen Pickles from The Old White Lion Hotel and Restaurant says they are traditionally busy during bank holidays but this latest getaway is the last chance for families to take a break before the children return to school.
"Haworth has always been a busy village and people are staying at home and doing short breaks," says Doreen.
But what is the appeal of Haworth? "It is very quaint, a lot of people comment on that and everything is within walking distance," adds Doreen. (Sally Clifford)
Flavorwire on being an author completist:
The last time I intentionally became a completist was soon after graduating college, when I sat down and read the last minor works by the Brontë sisters, Agnes Grey by Anne and The Professor by Charlotte, supplementing my rampage through their bigger novels in high school. Having also read some Brontë juvenilia, I felt satisfied in declaring myself a Brontë completist. (Sarah Seltzer)
Bustle explores the website How Long to Read This:
Oh, man, do you really have to read Rebecca if you've read Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre? Yes. Yes, you do. Daphnew du Maurier's classic story will take you less than 6 hours to read: 5 hours and 53 minutes, to be exact. (Kristian Wilson)
You can check your Brontës on the website, but the reading times vary wildly according to the edition chosen.

Also on Bustle, being well read:
There are poetry-lovers, and memoir devotees, and readers who have been devouring the same ten classics (1984,Slaughterhouse Five, Wuthering Heights, etc.) since high school. (E. Ce Miller)
Financial Times discusses the figure of the dramaturg in theatre productions:
Wait a minute, you might think: isn’t that the job of a director? Mike Akers, dramaturg on Jane Eyre at the National Theatre, points out that the director has many tasks to juggle in rehearsals. “I’m able to sit outside all the other pressures and focus solely on the arc of the story and the way it is coming across as a piece of theatre, as opposed to a novel. The dramaturg is the little voice on the director’s shoulder.” (Sarah Hemming)
Howard Jacobson describes an Edinburgh Book Festival anecdote in The Independent :
I just had time to denounce reading as a gender-sensitive activity. I grew up reading countless novels written about women by women, I said, and never once felt excluded on the grounds that I wasn’t one. Jane Eyre pleased me more than Tom Jones. Reader, I was Fanny Price.
The Irish Times reviews Latest Readings by Clive James:
This collection of essays is haphazard, as James blithely admits. Yale University Press “kindly” asked him to compose a book about whatever he happened to be reading, and he has done just that. His selection is “in no particular order”, his reading habits not unlike those of a bookish child during the summer holidays.
A bookish child reads Enid Blyton one day and Charles Dickens the next, about Nancy Drew, or Wuthering Heights. Latest Reading conveyed to me a sense that a fatal illness may let you off the hook, presumably if you’re not suffering too much. (Éilís Ní Dhuibhne)
Another review, this time of a novel by Lucy Treloar, Salt Creek. In The Australian:
Among much else, Salt Creek is a subtle study in masculinity. For all his biblical sternness, the patriarch may have corrupted his sons. Given the chance, Fred — like Hester — escapes to England, realising his vocation and there able to express his homosexual desires. Mr Bagshott, touring the district to make records for the colonial government, may have been acquainted with the Brontës back in Yorkshire, but reprehends the education of women and Aborigines, opinions unthinkingly bolstered by scripture. (Peter Pierce)
The Nation (Sri Lanka) talks about the Gothic literary genre:
By the Victorian era, the popularity of the genre began to diminish and was replaced by the historical romance. Although the genre had lost its place as a dominant genre, gothic fiction was still being published, as proved by the works of Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847) and Charles Dickens’ work.
Die Welt (Germany) reviews Lila by Marilynne Robinson:
Manchmal erinnert das alles an Jane Eyre oder Aschenputtel. Nur ist der Prinz hier ein alter Prediger. Und nichts geht so gut aus wie im Märchen. Lila und John kommen einander nach vielen einsam verbrachten Jahren nur sehr vorsichtig näher. Etwa über das Buch Ezechiel und Lilas Fragen nach dem Sinn ihrer Lebensgeschichte. "Ich weiß nicht, wo ich herkomme", sagt sie zu John, "ich kenn meinen eigenen Nachnamen nicht." (Carmen Eller) (Translation)
Epictetus. Discourses on wargaming posts an enigmatic Brontëblog (no relation with us) post;  1001 films (in French) reviews Wuthering Heights 1939.

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