The premise is simple: Atkins walks over England’s moors, from Exmoor to Alston, describing the landscapes and wildlife he sees, and weaving in the stories of those who went before – such as Henry Williamson, author of Tarka the Otter, for whom the blasted moors of the South-west were reminiscent of the battlefields of northern Europe, and Emily Brontë, whose Yorkshire Moors were like “a sea … stretching into infinity”. (David Evans)Financial Times interviews the author Namwali Serpell:
Which literary character most resembles you?The Telegraph highlights the repeat of the Brontë country episode of Walking Through History today in Channel 4:
Physically, Micah Wilkins from Justine Larbalestier’s Liar; emotionally, Marianne Dashwood from Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility; spiritually, the eponymous heroine of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre; unfortunately, Briony Tallis from Ian McEwan’s Atonement.
Saturday July 11Blacknet interviews the (not) poet KLove:
Walking Through History (Channel 4, 7.00pm)
Tony Robinson embarks on an expedition through some of Britain's most historic landscapes. The moors and valleys of West Yorkshire were the home of, and inspiration for, the Brontës. Over four days, Robinson heads out from the Victorian wool capital of Bradford and treks in a giant loop around what is now known as Bronte Country. Repeat. (Simon Horsford)
Who are your literary inspirations?The Birmingham News is talking about Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman:
This may take all day! So many, from Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton as a child, to Jane Austen and Emily Brontë at college (Sense and Sensibility and Wuthering Heights), to – Margaret Atwood – The Handmaids Tale, Malorie Blackman – Noughts and Crosses, Stephanie Meyer- Twilight, JK Rowling- Harry Potter, Philip Pullman, Terry McMillan, Sista Souljah is my everything (all of the books, but especially the Midnight ones), Nat Suo, Khaled Hosseni, Osho, Zen, Iyanla Vanzant, Dan Millman, Tich Nhat Han, Jill Scott (The moments, the minutes, the hours), Tupac Shakur (The Rose that grew from the Concrete) I will stop now…
The academics don't have to bring Atticus back down to Earth, because Lee has done that for us. And far from being sacrosanct and untouchable -- Mockingbird and Watchman together could be a playland for literary criticism. It's like she wrote "Jane Eyre" and "Wide Sargasso Sea."Porter Fox describes for the New York Times his Italian honeymoon:
As we twirled over the scaffolding the buskers use during the day, I felt happy and hopeful and thought of a favorite line from “Jane Eyre”: “our honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.”The Herald News talks about the trailer of the film Dartmoor Killing:
Peter said: "British moorland is deeply embedded in our culture and psyche, from the Brontës and Conan Doyle to the horror associated with Saddleworth Moor; it's both romantic and mysterious but also dangerous and threatening. ( HERomPEllis )The Guardian discusses the use of pseudonyms:
If this is the dying fall of the literary pseudonym, it brings to an end a long tradition that has freed up satirists, political journalists and knowers of secrets (Swift, Voltaire, Orwell, Le Carré) to tell the truth without fear, and allowed female writers from the Brontës to Harper Lee to publish under male or ambiguous names. (John Dugdale)
Penticton Western News reviews Re Jane by Patricia Park:
In Re Jane it’s an interesting challenge to look out for the many connections – details such as a minor character named Currer Bell¸ which was the pseudonym Bronte used when first publishingJane Eyre.Diario de Navarra (Spain) is reading classics this summer. Among them, Jane Eyre:
Unlike the classic it’s based on, Re Jane isn’t a novel ahead of its time. Jane Eyre is heralded for changing the art of fiction by dramatizing a character’s internal conflict, and contained daring challenges to ideas about class, social structure and feminism. Re Jane is also full of social commentary – but nothing shocking. It’s more along the lines of the tried and true: a fresh-faced sneakered woman discovers that wearing pancake makeup and heels isn’t an expression of her true self.
I imagine that if Charlotte Brontë were writing today, and tackling the ideas of race identity that are found in Re Jane, her interpretation would be more complex and nuanced than Park’s. But Re Jane is meant to be a lighter book, and is perfect for the beach. (Heather Allen)
Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), es una de las grandes novelas de todos los tiempos. Publicada en 1847, la novela se tituló en principio Jane Eyre: una autobiografía y se publicó bajo el seudónimo de Currer Bell. Se considera una novela clásica de amor y de intriga, pero a la vez un relato precursor del feminismo y de la psicología moderna. (...)Laura D'Ocon in El Nuevo Herald (Cuba) quotes Charlotte Brontë:
"Compartida la vida es más", es una de las muchas frases que seguro hemos escuchado en algún momento de nuestra vida. Me parece apropiado citar a la novelista inglesa Charlotte Brontë, autora de la famosa novela Jane Eyre. La escritora define bien la afirmación sobre que la vida cuando se comparte suma y vale mucho más. Brontë defendía que la felicidad cuando no es compartida difícilmente puede llamarse felicidad ya que no tiene sabor alguno. Brontë se refiere a algo bien sencillo, por mucho que dispongamos de lujos, viviendas de ensueño y escapadas a lugares paradisíacos, si estamos solos, no valen nada.Ziarno Myśli, czyli wynurzenia Siemomysły reviews Wuthering Heights; Rosie's Chronicles posts a photo gallery of Jane Eyre 1996.
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