
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Playing Solitaire and not wearing enough clothes

Game Rant presents... Regency Solitary and it's exactly what the name implies:
Regency Solitaire is like if a Jane Eyre-inspired visual novel met Solitaire, but somehow managed to be more entertaining, elegant, and engaging than any Solitaire game you’ve ever played. (Melissa Loomis)
The Huffington Post gives ideas to authors about how to kill your characters without bloodshed:
Not wearing enough clothes in the middle of winter on the moors near Haworth, UK, near the ruined home said to have inspired Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë. (LJ Charleston)
The Guardian reviews The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson:
The Sky is Everywhere is about Lennie Walker, who loves Wuthering Heights, plays the clarinet, and recently lost her sister Bailey. She expresses her feelings through poems, which she leaves throughout the town for no one to read. Lennie finds it hard to share her feelings with anyone, and she cant let go of Bailey. (Laura, thespecialone)
Big Gay Picture Show reviews the Blu-Ray edition of Fifty Shades of Grey:
Indeed, it’s much like the people who pine for Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights under the presumption that because he’s damaged and occasionally sweet, that makes up for the fact he is a violent, nasty brute. In Fifty Shades, for much of the time it’s presented that the only thing Christian has to offer Ana is money and looking gorgeous, and that she has to essentially give up her freedom and be miserable most of the time to get that. (Tim Isaac)
The Wharfedale & Aireborough Observer announces some of the participants in the upcoming Ilkley Literature Festival (October):
New York based critically acclaimed Caryl Phillips will be presenting his 11th novel, The Lost Child, inspired by Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, and set against the Leeds cityscape of his childhood. (Claire Lomax)
The Conversation talks with the writer Sofie Laguna:
In adopting a male pseudonym Miles Franklin joined writers such as Henry Handel Richardson, George Eliot and George Sand who all published under male pen names in an attempt to conceal their true gender.
Even the Brontës published under male pseudonyms in their lifetime. Charlotte became Currer Bell, Anne became Acton Bell and Emily became Ellis Bell. (Camilla Nelson)
A veteran reader in NolaVie:
The funny part is that I could pick up a copy of Jane Eyre, open it to any page and tell you what happened in the previous chapter. But then I first read it at the age of 12, probably four more times over the years and saw every movie or TV show made of the novel. (Bettye Anding)
This obituary of the composer James Horner, published in the New York Daily News mentions the power of music in film:
The composer brought together teenage poetry and age-old angst, star-crossed sensualism and the depth of classic movie love themes. Like the music for "Wuthering Heights," "Romeo & Juliet," "Love Story," "A Man and a Woman" and "Summer of '42," Horner's "Titanic" music didn't run from the unabashed emotion it needed to create. Instead, it embraced it, and in doing so owned the tragic canvas the movie needed. (Joe Neumaier)
Penn News talks about a very particular student of its university:
“When I first started studying literature, it took me a while to be able to read something outside of crime novels,” says Morgan. “There’s a certain way that crime fiction follows. There’s a pattern, there’s a template that most crime fiction has, whereas Jane Eyre doesn’t. So, it took me a while to get adjusted to reading that type of high literature.” (Jeanne Long)
WVTF has an article about Meursault, contre-enquête, the sequel of Marcel Camus's L'Étranger, by Kamel Daoud:
But over the past half century, actual fiction writers have enjoyed lifting characters from famous books and fleshing out their lives — you know, Jean Rhys telling the back story of Rochester's mad wife from Jane Eyre in Wide Sargasso Sea, or Tom Stoppard making bleak comedy out of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern from Hamlet. (John Powers)
La Semaine (France) reviews the latest film adaptation of Far from the Madding Crowd:
Les bonnes soupes se font-elles pour autant dans les vieux pots ? Il n'en reste pas moins vrai que Thomas Hardy, immense romancier anglais dixneuviémard, peut inspirer des films très regardables à l'instar des sœurs Brontë ou de Jane Austen qui constituent d'intarissables sources scénaristiques pour le cinéma «so british». (Fernand-Joseph Meyer) (Translation)
The film is one of the listed as best films so far of 2015 by Time Magazine:
Carrie Mulligan's gutsy Bathsheba gets swept off her feet like the best of her 19th century romantic peers, but without their usual histrionics - somewhere between Lean In and  Wuthering Heights. (Sarah Begley)
Notizie (Italy) explores books for fourteen years old girls:
Torniamo ai grandi classici: per chi cerca, oltre ad una storia d’amore, un fondo introspettivo, può diventare interessante Cime tempestose di Emily Brönte (sic), dove gelosia e spirito di vendetta distruggono le vite degli individui, oppure si può appassionare alle donne-eroine di Jane Austen (in Ragione e sentimento, Orgoglio e pregiudizio,Emma) o alla tragica vicenda di tradimenti che consuma le protagoniste di Madame Bovary di Flaubert e Anna Karenina di Tolstoj. (Translation)
Südkurier reviews the performances of Gespenster sind auch nur Menschen by Tom Müller in Kandern, Germany. This sort of Irma Vep-ish piece has a character with a Brontë twist:
Der Theaterprofi Müller versteht es auch als Komödienautor geschickt, die Zuschauer bis in die späten Abendstunden, wenn es empfindlich kühl wird auf der Burg, bei Laune zu halten. Sein Stück und seine Inszenierung haben pointierten Dialog- und Wortwitz, die Figuren sind humorvoll bis spleenig-skurril gezeichnet, oft auch lustvoll parodistisch überzeichnet, und sogar literarische Anspielungen sind im Plot versteckt – angefangen vom Diener mit dem klangvollen Namen Heathcliff, frei nach dem Helden aus Emily Brontës „Sturmhöhe“, bis zu dem Kriminologen und Gespensterjäger Dr. Watson. (Roswitha Frey) (Translation)
Patheos (and also here) reviews Jane Eyre’s Sisters by Jody Gentian Bower. Dieter Falk explains in Rheinischen Post (in German) the structure of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights song. 8Asians reviews Patricia Park's Re Jane.

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