The stencil artist
Stewy is also contributing to the Tour celebrations as he has created stencils of prominent Yorkshire-related cultural figures like Jarvis Cocker, Alan Bennett, Sylvia Plath and the Brontës:
STEWY - sisters on the route through #2014
Yareah Magazine reviews
Wuthering Heights 1939:
Classic Hollywood. This American motion-picture is an Adaptation of the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë and earned eight Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture and Best Actor.
Depicting only sixteen of the novel’s thirty-four chapters, it eliminated a second generation of characters.
Producer, Sam Goldwyn intended the project for Actress Merle Oberon, however when Vivien Leigh asked for the lead Goldwyn told her she was not good enough for the role.
Vivien instead, was cast that same year in Gone With the Wind, which won her an Academy Award for Best Actress; Merle Oberon did not receive a nomination.
In the movie’s final sequence, the spirits of Heathcliff and Cathy are seen walking together hand-in-hand, obviously in love. But this scene is not found in the novel, and was the opposite of what Author Emily Brontë intended the reader to know—-
That Cathy’s ghost’s actions were not a gesture of undying love for Heathcliff, as in the Hollywood movie, but one of towering hatred; Cathy haunted Heathcliff to death to prevent him from cheating her daughter out of inheritance.
As Sam Goldwyn subsequently claimed, “I made Wuthering Heights, not Emily Brontë.” (Read more) (Dewey Edward Chester)
Christopher Howse sings the praises of Cornwall in
The Telegraph:
From St Mary’s, Chapel Street runs up a ridge from the sea, the most delightful street in Penzance. In one 18th-century house (gabled in brick, unusual for Cornwall), the Brontës’ mother grew up under sunnier skies than Haworth’s.
Michael Gove's reform of the English syllabus finds unexpected supporters... in Uganda's
The Observer:
I have some sympathy with Gove’s belief that students should read British classics. All Ugandan children should also have the chance to read British books such as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, Wuthering Heights plus a Shakespeare play. (Oskar Semweya-Musoke)
Readers of
Panele (Lithuania) recommend some summer reads:
„Manau, kiekviena mergina turėtų perskaityti Charlottės Brontë knygą „Džeinė Eir“. Tai iš tikrųjų nuostabi knyga, kuri parodo, kad meilei jokie standartai neegzistuoja. Autorė puikiai parpdp, kad nesvarbu būti idealios išvaizdos, daug bertingiau būti komunikabiliai, išsilavinusiai. Dabartinės merginos dažnai pamirštą šį dalyką, tad ši knyga priverstų susimąstyti.“
Aurelija 17 m. (Translation)
Le Monde (France) reviews the BBC series
Happy Valley:
Il y a quelque chose d'unique dans la région du Yorkshire. Cette partie verdoyante de l'Angleterre, avec ses collines douces et calmes, ses petites villes de pierres grises mangées par la mousse, constitue le théâtre parfait pour une violence sans retenue, débridée, inattendue dans un cadre d'apparence aussi paisible, où l'on imagine que rien ne peut se produire en dehors d'un bris de tasse à l'heure du thé et des scones comme dans un livre de Charlotte Brontë. (Pierre Sérisier) (Translation)
Brontë Parsonage Facebook posts the birth certificate of Martha Brown as signed by Patrick Brontë himself;
Livres de Malice (in France) reviews Sheila Kohler's
Being Jane Eyre;
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