From the windswept romantic setting of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights to the unspoilt beauty of the Cumbria Lakes experienced by William Wordsworth, don't just READ the book, visit the place that inspired it. (...)We have reported several times the upcoming Tour de France Grand Départ to Yorkshire (and Haworth in particular) but it's not the only 'national' bicycle race who is going away. These days the Giro d'Italia is riding its Big Start in Ireland. Cicloweb (Italy) reports:
Haworth, West Yorkshire
Walk on Haworth Moor, where the ruined Top Withens farmhouse inspired Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, and ‘The Meeting Of The Waters’ was the sisters’ favoured contemplative spot. In the town the church has the family vault, while the Parsonage where they lived is now a museum.
EMILY BRONTË SAYS ‘One may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge... by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun’ – Wuthering Heights PLAN YOUR VISIT Ten miles west of Bradford. Train station at nearby Keighley, from where regular buses run. The museum is on the main street;; (Graeme Thomson)
Quelle scogliere a picco sul mare sarebbero lo scenario ideale per un'ambientazione in stile "Cime tempestose" («Heathcliff! Heathcliff!!!»), ma senza scomodare l'eroina della Brontë ci saremmo accontentati dell'adrenalina di una Tinkoff, qualora il nostro fantasticoso «Bjarne [Riis]! Bjarne!!!» avesse trovato risposta. (Marco Grassi) (Translation)Kathryn Lallinger in The Times-News has finally enjoyed Wuthering Heights:
“Wuthering Heights,” by Emily Brontë. I could never get through the first two chapters of the print version of this book. Now that I’ve discovered the audiobook, I can say that I truly enjoy it.Mallory Ortberg, author of Texts from Jane Eyre, posts on The Toast a lesbian reading of Jane Eyre. Particularly the Lowood (Helen-Mrs Temple) and Moor House (Rivers sisters) episodes:
Jane, we release you to go to Rochester, but never forget the two lesbian paradises you dwelt in before and after you learned his name. Perhaps you will find one again, after he is gone.And this is not the only edgy reading of Jane Eyre today. Alison Kinney on The Hairpin analyses Jane and Rochester relation under a BDSM prism:
Now that we impressionable 10-year-olds have grown up, and some of us have bookworm daughters of our own, it’s time that we talk frankly about Jane Eyre’s sadomasochistic overtones within a literary culture that popularizes but confuses issues of violence, love, and, above all, consent and coercion.Tiempo Argentino (Argentina) interviews Rodrigo Fresán, author of La Parte Inventada:
–¿La parte inventada funciona en algún sentido como una suerte de autobiografía dónde exponés tus intereses de este último tiempo?Gießener Zeitung (Germany) publishes the solution to a previous literary quiz:
–Suave es la noche de Scott Fitzgerald es una novela que me gusta mucho pero no es una de mis obsesiones. Wish You Were Here de Pink Floyd sí es una de mis obsesiones. Bob Dylan me sigue obsesionando. Cumbres Borrascosas es una de mis obsesiones. Después está lo de Chejov, que es un problema para mí: fue genial en su momento pero sus epígonos son mejores. (Translation)
Bevor sie zu Ende geredet hatte, wurde ich mir der Anwesenheit Heathcliffs bewusst. Da ich eine schwache Bewegung wahrgenommen hatte, wandte ich den Kopf und sah, wie er sich von der Bank erhob und sich geräuschlos hinausstahl. ...Several authors and Brontëites on the blogosphere:
Der Roman "Wuthering Heights" dt. Die Sturmhöhe von Emily Brontë (1818 - 1948), der mittleren der drei Brontë-Schwestern, gilt als eines der bedeutendsten literarische Werke dieser Epoche. Es ist die Geschichtezweier Familien und dem Findelkind Heathcliff, der sich in seine Ziehschwester Catherine verliebt. Doch diese heiratet den reichen Edgar Linton, obwohl sie ihn nicht liebt, da sie durch eine Ehe mit Heathcliff gesellschaftlich ruiniert werde. Der von allen Zurückgewiesene und Verachtete startet, nachdem er sich ein Vermögen erworben hat. einen unbarmherzigen Rachefeldzug. Der Stoff wurde mehrfach verfilmt für Kino und Fernsehen. Erstmals 1920 als Stummfilm. Die neueste und sicher nicht die letzte Adaption stammt aus dem Jahr 2011. (Ingrid Wittich) (Translation)
Oh, for the HOOK of a BOOK! interviews Catherine Cavendish:
What are your favorites?Book Club Reading talks with Kay Kendall:
A: (...) And let’s not forget Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and her sister, Emily’s Wuthering Heights.
Which authors have inspired you?The Little Black Book Log features Elle Michaels:
Nancy Drew and Jane Eyre were my favorite heroines in fiction. They were both feminine but very, very curious and bold. The love between Jane and Mr. Rochester was the first big literary romance that caught my fancy. Austin’s love for her husband David Starr is similar since David is a bit crusty, like Mr. Rochester.
What is your favorite book?City of Book Reviews and Claudette Melanson:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I must have read it a hundred times as a girl. Mr. Rochester was one of my very first book boyfriends.
What books did you love growing up?The Times reviews The Moor. Lives, Landscape, Literature; Jean Hollywood tweets a Brontë illustration.
I was lucky that my mother read to me constantly when I was growing up. I got to hear all the classics and loved them: Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Little Women.
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