
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The taming of the moody, wealthy man

Zimbio reviews a few films, including Belle by Amma Asante:
Inspired by a painting by Johann Zoffany, Belle is a coming of age tale set in 18th century British society that recalls the tales of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. (Joe Robberson)
The German edition of CRI Online (China) praises the synchronisation work behind Jane Eyre 1970:
Der Film "Jane Eyre" aus dem Jahr 1971, in dem George Scott und Susannah York die Hauptrollen spielen, ist in China wohl bekannter als in vielen anderen Ländern. Sein Erfolg wird zum Teil der Synchronisation von Qiu Yuefeng und Li Zi zugeschrieben, die die chinesischen Stimmen von Edward Rochester und Jane Eyre lieferten.
Während eines Fernseh-Interviews vor mehreren Jahren hat sich Li Zi an die Zusammenarbeit mit Qiu Yuefeng erinnert.
"Es gab eine Szene, als Rochester zurück nach Hause kam und nach Jane suchte. Er hat fünfmal nach Jane gerufen. Ich war von seinen Gefühlen tief berührt. Es war, als hätte er mir das Herz geraubt. Er hat es leicht gemacht, mich in meinen Text hineinzufühlen."
Zhang Jian wuchs mit ausländischen Filmen auf. Der 40-Jährige war erst Grundschüler, als er "Jane Eyre" zum ersten Mal gesehen hat. Seitdem hat sich Zhang in ausländische Filme, genauer gesagt die Synchronsprecher verliebt. (Translation)
While La Voce della Russia (Italy) looks at good book-to-movie adaptations.
Ci sono le coppie: bel libro-bel film? Senza dubbio, ci sono tanti esempi. La versione cinematografica dei primi due volumi di “Harry Potter” di Joanne Rowling hanno conquistato il pubblico di tutto il mondo. La pellicola “Jane Eyre”, tratta dall'omonimo romanzo di Charlotte Brontё, è diventata classica come il libro. (Anna Fedorova) (Translation)
We suppose they mean Jane Eyre 1944.

The Chicago Tribune reviews a local stage production of The Sound of Music:
Based loosely on a true story, "The Sound of Music" reaches back into a literary tradition, at least as old as "Jane Eyre," of the smart, educated, penniless young woman who tames a moody, wealthy man with her virtue, compassion and intelligence. (Mary Schmich)
SoloLibri (Italy) reviews the Italian edition of Karen Kingsbury's The Bridge:
The Bridge “il ponte”, una libreria in cui sentirsi a casa. Quel luogo meraviglioso era diventato per Molly e Ryan il loro piccolo mondo privato, il loro nascondiglio segreto composto di logori pavimenti di legno di pino mentre pareti e porte si erano sformate e non erano più squadrate. Erano trascorsi così due anni indimenticabili, leggendo e rileggendo Jane Eyre di Charlotte Brontë, senza mai parlare dell’unica cosa che all’epoca sembrava così evidente “che avrebbe potuto fare la differenza”. (Alessandra Stoppini) (Translation)
The Telegraph and Argus announces that Keighley's seasonal bus timetable is back, which may be of interest to visitors going to Haworth in the coming months. The Brontë Parsonage Museum Facebook page shows 'the lovely Oonagh' helping with the conservation work on their copies of Blackwood's magazine. The Dragon's Cache discusses Anne Brontë and infatuation. YouTube user Jacqueline Medina has uploaded a video discussing the differences between Wide Sargasso Sea, the book and the  2006 TV adaptation. Mix & Fold reviews Regarding Jane Eyre by Susan Geason (1997). 

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