Rallye-Info and many other rallye-related news outlets talk about the Brontë homeland leg of the Ireland Rally:
Day two consists of a further eight stages over a distance of 117.14 kilometres. The itinerary includes the 29.02-kilometre Brontë Homeland test, which runs through the area where Patrick Brontë, the father of celebrated novelists Emily, Charlotte and Anne, grew up. Another highlight will be the purpose-built stage through the streets of Lisburn, which is used twice in quick succession. (ERC Media)
Huddersfield Daily Examiner lists reasons why Yorkshisre is better than Lancashire:
16) Known worldwide for Wuthering Heights, Jayne Eyre (sic) and Shirley, the Brontë literary family are one of Yorkshire's most famous literary exports, with fans travelling from all over the world to pay pilgrimage to their birthplace in Haworth - Lancashire has its famous authors, sure, but can it offer an entire family of them? (Samantha Robinson)
Matt Stroh, chairman of the KWVR, writes in
Keighley News about their partnership witth the Brontë Parsonage:
We are also looking forward to cementing our partnership with the Brontë Parsonage as we extend our very popular vintage bus service from weekdays during the main school holidays to a number of summer Sundays starting in June.
This will provide a much-requested heritage link between the station at Haworth and the Parsonage, which we hope will encourage visitors to enjoy both attractions as well as the shops and eateries on Main Street.
The New York Times discusses the history of the World's Fairs:
The greatest world’s fair of all, the one that became a model for most that followed, was the London Exhibition of 1851, which featured the famous Crystal Palace, an immense iron and steel pavilion, and drew some seven million visitors, or roughly one-third the population of Britain at the time. Dickens, Tennyson, George Eliot and Karl Marx all went. Charlotte Brontë visited twice and wrote that the multitudes were so staggered by what they saw — steam engines and locomotives, factory machines, carriages and harness work, chests full of diamonds and pearls — that they were subdued into near-silence. (Charles McGrath)
NYT and the Vera Wang new fashion collection:
“I don’t want to use the word goth, but certainly there was a sisterhood,” the designer said of the video, in which several female models stare into the foggy distance, entwine hands and twirl wanly, Lorde-like, in an abandoned manse. She intended to evoke not Dickens, but the Brontës. “I didn’t think we had to be literal with a groom and a tuxedo and all that.” (Alexandra Jacobs)
Fashion & Style interviews the actress Jessica Brown Findlay:
First is “Jamaica Inn,” a BBC adaptation of the Daphne du Maurier novel.
“The gothic side of Jamaica Inn excited me. I’ve always loved things like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre where you see the darkness of how people react in really forbidding landscapes,” Brown Findlay said.
Sydney Morning Herald publishes a biographical article about the actress Patricia Routledge:
Both her parents loved language and music, but it was her mother, Catherine, who gave Patricia her first piece of serious fiction - Jane Eyre - and took her to see opera for the first time, La Bohème - and the theatre. (Stephanie Bunbury)
The American Prospect mourns the passing of Gabriel García Márquez:
For young writers who thought literature fell off the edge of the world east of Moscow or south of Mississippi, it was a portal to Borges and Cortázar. Like anyone—be it Emily Brontë or Pablo Picasso or Orson Welles or Miles Davis—who makes something new out of bits of the old, García Márquez didn’t think he was inventing fabulism or “magical realism” and would have resisted the suggestion of it, as genius resists any categorization so reductive. (Steve Erickson)
The Telegraph inaugurates a new kind of Brontë reference: the place that almost was a location and the person that almost featured on a Brontë film adaptation:
Out to the south is the disused farmhouse that nearly featured in the 2011 film version of Wuthering Heights. To his delight, Clive was offered a role in this film, but he had to turn it down when the filming schedule coincided with a local tup sale. (Olivia Parker)
Jane Eyre in Georgia, US? According to the
Orlando Magazine you can find some places reminiscent of Charlotte Brontë's novel:
After the tour, if time allows, hike to Dungeness. Another Carnegie creation, the eerie ruins evoke Jane Eyre, after Mrs. Rochester kindled a catastrophe. (Nancy Moreland)
Coronation Street Blog reviews one of the latest episodes of the soap opera and makes this Brontë reference:
Sporting her new sporty do, Mary can forget the pains of “sweaty follicles” and throw herself into a workout at the gym, striding beside Gail, who apparently has the waist of a Brontë sister. (Emma Hynes)
Regió 7 (in Catalan) mentions the recent Spanish translation of
The Professor:
El profesor de Brontë tracta la història de Williams Crimsworth, un home que deixa enrere l'ambient opressiu de la família i s'obre camí a Brussel·les, on obté plaça de professor en un internat. Allí trobarà l'admiració i les atencions de dues dones, l'astuta directora i una òrfena que, com ell, vol sortir de la pobresa. (Toni Mata i Riu) (Translation)
The Westmoreland Gazette descibes a little mystery concerning a letter found inside an old copy of Charlotte Brontë's
Sunlit Pages Jane Eyre;
kansassire posts a couple of pictures of
Jane Eyre 1944;
YA Book Shelf gives away a copy of Michaela MacColl's
Always Emily;
Poeira Literária (in Portuguese) reviews
Wuthering Heights.
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