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Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Wednesday, January 06, 2021 11:36 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
 The Washington Post reviews The Fortunate Ones by Ed Tarkington and mentions that:
Last week, the copyright on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” expired, so anyone can now use its characters and particulars to fashion their own version, much as Jean Rhys did in “Wide Sargasso Sea,” based on Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre.” That’s why we just saw the release of “Nick,” by Michael Farris Smith, in which the narrator of Fitzgerald’s classic novel, Nick Carraway, tells his own backstory. (Bethanne Patrick)
Glamour and The Guardian give you some suggestions after your compulsory Bridgerton dose:
 Jane Eyre (2011)
If you liked listening to angsty emo music back in the day and reading the Brontë sisters (just me?), consider Jane Eyre. A moody cousin of Pride & Prejudice, this beautiful adaptation of Charlotte Brontë's 1847 novel stars Michael Fassbender and Mia Wasikowska and was directed by True Detective auteur Cary Fukunaga. Available to stream on HBO Max. (Anna Moeslein

 Christmas 1995 was one to forget. I was ill and mostly confined to the sofa, trying to keep down mince pies as my big sister made her way through the VHS release of Andrew Davies’ Pride and Prejudice. A few years earlier, I had been subjected to the Julian Amyes version of Jane Eyre starring Timothy Dalton, but at least that was weirdly gothic and unintentionally hilarious; this was another level. (Lanre Bakare)

A New York Times reader writes a letter saying:
Books are indeed a lovely escape from Zoom. After a long day of teaching secondary school history on Zoom, in person or a combination, I am happy to retreat to Alexandre Dumas’s “Count of Monte Cristo,” having already finished, since June, two volumes by the Brontë sisters, some Dickens and “Dracula,” all classics that I should have read but never did in high school or college. (Rachelle E. Friedman)
The Irish Examiner also gives you tips for reducing anxiety in these gloomy days:
 The best distraction of all: your favourite things. January’s long nights are the perfect time to curl up beside the fire with your favourite book to get lost in another world, whether it’s Jane Eyre and her time in Thornfield with Mr Rochester, Frodo’s adventures across Middle Earth with the Fellowship of the Ring, or Aisling’s misadventures in Ballygobbard. (Denise O'Donoghue)
Entertainment Weekly recommends winter reads/January lists:
A Classic-Lit Riff: The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins
The well-worn "wife in the attic" trope provides fodder for a compulsively readable tale that flips Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre on its head — this version skips the coming-of-age and opens as heroine Jane arrives in a gated community in Birmingham. The result is a gothic thriller laced with arsenic. (Maureen Lee Lenker)
Any thriller that has the word "wife" in the title is going to be good. And proof comes courtesy of Hawkins' modern retelling of Jane Eyre, which is the year's first irresistible page-turner that will keep you up at night. (available now) (Tierney Bricker)
 The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins is a retelling of Jane Eyre with a darker twist. Newly arriving in town, Jane, a penniless dogwalker, meets Eddie Rochester. He is very charming and also very rich. Living in his mansion where his wife died a year ago, Eddie is ready to offer Rachel everything she ever wanted: stability, acceptance and a perfect life. As dreamy as everything seems, dark secrets lurk within Eddie's ornate villa.
Alabama Public Radio and Shelf-Awareness review the novel:
 Now Rachel Hawkins, best-selling author of eleven books for children, has produced her first “adult” novel, a revisioning of “Jane Eyre” set in Mountain Brook.  
And it really is an adult novel. Not so much because of the sexuality and some scenes of violence, although there is lots of that, but because of the darkness, the cynicism, the depiction of life in Mountain Brook as shallow, pretentious, hypocritical, ostentatious, and Hobbesian in its genteel, country club, tooth-and-claw, struggle of all against all.  (Don Noble)

 This compelling retelling of Jane Eyre deftly serves up a delicious mystery with a side of biting social commentary. (Suzanne Krohn)

Another review can be read on Bibliostatic

Elle (France) and literary feminists heroines:
 Loin du portrait classique de héroïnes littéraires de l’époque, Jane Eyre n’est pas une jeune femme en détresse. En créant ce personnage singulier, Charlotte Brontë va à l’encontre des codes de la littérature victorienne classique, dans ce roman en partie autobiographique. Son héroïne est une pionnière de la littérature. Sa personnalité indépendante la rend moderne, encore aujourd’hui. Orpheline, pauvre et bafouée par un homme marié, elle reste assez forte pour affronter seule le sexisme de son époque. (Margaux Ravard) (Translation)
OpenPR (Germany) presents Von Gestern? by Martin Stankowski:
 Aus dieser Sammlung erwächst als kaum zufälliges Ergebnis ein internationaler Überblick vom späten Mittelalter bis in die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. In den sich Berühmtheiten (wie Keller, Fontane oder Rosegger) neben einen Schwerpunkt zu Autorinnen (wie Jane Austen, Emily Brontë oder P.S. Buck) und die Würdigung weniger im Brennpunkt stehender Schriftsteller (wie Gryphius, Carl Spitteler oder Pirandello) einreihen. (Translation)
Fala! Universidades (Brazil) and Purepeople (Brazil) have lists with some literary-based films:
 O filme de 2011, baseado na obra da escritora Charlotte Crontë (sic) e dirigido por Cary Fukunaga, conta a história de Jane Eyre, uma jovem que ficou órfã ainda criança e que trabalha com governanta em uma mansão.
O drama é recheado de reviravoltas, romance e muita emoção. O longa conta com a atuação de Mia Wasikowska, conhecida por seus papéis como Alice, em Alice no País das Maravilhas, Edith, em A Colina Escarlate, e Emma Bovary, em Madame Bovary. (Eduarda Knack) (Translation)

That's a first on the blunders world. 

Lançado em 1847 por Emily Brönte, o livro "O morro dos ventos uivantes" é um clássico da literatura mundial. Nele, é apresentada a transformação do amor em um sentimento violento, de vingança. Heathcliff, personagem principal, se apaixona pela irmã de criação, Catherine, mas o relacionamento não se consolida. Após perdê-la, jura retaliar aqueles que vê como responsáveis pela separação. (Translation)

Skyscanner (Italy) gives you (already!) Valentine's options in Italy:
Una passeggiata nella brughiera
Nell’attesa di esplorare la brughiera dello Yorkshire, quella che fa da scenario ai celebri romanzi delle sorelle Brontë, potete sempre dirigervi nel Basso Canavese, in Piemonte, dove si trova la Riserva Naturale della Vauda. La vauda canavesana è la brughiera più a sud d’Europa, un luogo tranquillo e romantico perfetto per prendersi per mano e godere della natura più placida, la stessa che tanto amava la scrittrice di Cime Tempestose. (Cristina Grifoni) (Translation)

Wuthering Heights 1939 was one of the films seen by Steven Soderbergh last year.


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