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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020 11:42 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The writer Alice Taylor's desert island novels in The Irish Examiner:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë: “We were about 40 miles from Cork city and going into Cork was like going to New York today. It was a voyage. I remember going to Woolworth’s and buying Jane Eyre. It cost 1/6. We used the money we earned from picking potatoes and thinning turnips. They were amazing women, the Brontës. I went to the Brontë Country, for an RTÉ documentary, I loved it.”
Far Out Magazine explores the music of Kate Bush:
Kate Bush has written some of the stranger pieces of pop gold in memory. The acclaimed singer isn’t just a supreme vocalist capable of voicebox gymnastics, she is also an expert songwriter. Making her debut with ‘Wuthering Heights’ a song inspired by the literary work of the same name by Emily Brontë, Bush scored a number one to become the first female artist to have written and performed a number one song. (Jack Whatley)
One of the most anticipated books of 2021 according to Newsweek is:
The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins
 A delightfully surprising and suspenseful twist on Jane Eyre centers around an enchanting and mysterious widower, Eddie, and a broke dog walker, Jane, fated to meet in a gated community in Birmingham, Alabama. (Juliana Rose Pignataro)
The Times recommends the streaming of Jane Eyre by the Blackeyed Theatre:
The spring and autumn lockdowns put paid to the live version of Blackeyed Theatre’s adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel, but it has resurfaced as a streaming venture. In Adrian McDougall’s production — recorded at the Wilde Theatre in Bracknell, Berkshire — Kelsey Short plays Jane, while Ben Warwick is the brooding, distant Mr Rochester. In a drama where most of the members of the cast play multiple roles, George Jennings’s music becomes almost a character in its own right. Available at blackeyedtheatre.co.uk until February 28, 2021
The Irish Times reviews After We Collided, the film: 
“It’s a story you’ve heard before. Passed down from the Greeks, through Shakespeare, the Brontës, Jane Austen. It’s the story of a young girl exploring her independence, free from the bonds of her oppressive parents. And promised to a boy she clearly does not love. (Tara Brady)
 Mike Flanagan's Easter eggs and references seem to be intended as a precursor for what's to come in the future of his movie and TV projects. For example, Flanagan included a story in the very beginning of The Haunting Of Bly Manor that alludes to The Haunting season 3 taking inspiration from Charlotte Brontë's Villette. While it is entirely possible that he won't take this route in the future, it is unlikely that anything he includes is unimportant or won't factor in to a later project. (Marian Phillips)
UOL (Brazil) lists best-selling 'romances' in the electronic literary business:
 "Único romance da escritora inglesa Emily Bronte, 'O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes' retrata uma trágica história de amor e obsessão em que os personagens principais são a obstinada e geniosa Catherine Earnshaw e seu irmão adotivo, Heathcliff. Grosseiro, humilhado e rejeitado, ele guarda apenas rancor no coração, mas tem com Catherine um relacionamento marcado por amor e, ao mesmo tempo, ódio. Essa ligação perdura mesmo com o casamento de Catherine com Edgar Linton." (Translation)
The Bridgerton daily dose, courtesy of Netflix's marketing machine:
Cuando uno piensa en las hermanas Brontë o en Emily Dickinson siempre vienen a la cabeza imágenes de grandes explanadas verdes al borde de acantilados, elegantes mansiones de color beige y largos vestidos sobre enaguas y corsés. La serie «Downton Abbey» fue una buena oportunidad para disfrutar de esta época tan dada a las novelas de mediodía. Hasta ese momento, ninguna serie de época había llegado al streaming, aunque en los catálogos de las plataformas ya circulaban películas como Orgullo o prejuicio o Jane Eyre. (Levante. El Mercantil Valenciano) (Translation)

Il fatto che questo immaginario passaggio storico venga esplicitato brevemente in un dialogo rende il tutto più sensato, ma resta una fragile giustificazione per una serie che non problematizza nulla (al contrario di ciò che fece Andrea Arnold quando cambiò l’etnia di Heathcliff nel suo Cime tempestose), e forza la Storia sia per fini d’immagine sia per ripararsi da eventuali critiche. (Lorenzo Pedrazzi in Screenweek) (Translation)

Il Libraio (Italy) publishes a literary horoscope (sigh). Apparently, Wuthering Heights is Taurus, whatever that means:
 È Catherine di Cime tempestose la stella polare dei Toro per il 2021. Sappiamo che chi è nato sotto questo segno ha spesso la tendenza a mostrarsi testardo e incrollabile nelle proprie convinzioni, ma proprio per questo noi li sfidiamo a lasciarsi andare a un animo più selvaggio e istintivo, e a riconnettersi con la natura, vera protagonista del romanzo di Emily Brontë. La sorella adottiva di Heathcliff, infatti, è uno spirito inafferrabile e a volte sconsiderato, che non ha mai paura delle conseguenze delle proprie azioni. Lasciatevi andare anche voi a un atteggiamento più aperto e autentico. E anche se all’orizzonte si possono intravedere tempeste, non preoccupatevi: la libertà vale molto più di un po’ di pioggia. (Translation)
Improving your language on Taz (Germany):
 Die Schönheit und die Wahrheit von Honoré de Balzac und Marcel Proust, von Emily Brontë und Jane Austen und vieler, vieler anderer. Die Sprache ihrer Romane ist historisch, sie braucht Bildung, und solche Romane brauchen Ausdauer. (Katrin Seddig) (Translation)
Glossy (Serbia) and reading classic novels this season:
Džejn Ejr – Šarlot Brontë
Još jedan itekako poznat klasik. Roman prati priču siromašne Džejn Ejr, koja uprkos svim nemilosrdnim životnim situacijama, uspeva da se školuje i dobija posao guvernante. A onda po prvi put spoznaje i doživljava ljubav. Nepredvidivi gospodin Ročester očigledno ima tajne koje mogu da razbiju snove o ljubavi. Šarlot Brontë je na vrsan način prikazala kako je izgledala ljubav tog doba. (Translation)
Écran Large (France) publishes its selection of the best series of the year. Including Normal People.
 Mais à coups de séquences remarquables de précision, en nous immergeant dans les sentiments orageux de ses deux héros, l’œuvre renoue avec la tradition des grands écrits romantiques britanniques du XIXe siècle. Il y a du Jane Austen qui bruisse dans ce récit, avec le souffle puissant des Hauts de Hurlevent. (Geoffrey Crété) (Translation)

Do you remember Villa Charlotte Brontë in the Bronx? Curbed publishes another article about it. Everyday Power shares quotes of Jane Eyre about 'love, beauty, and independence'.


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