
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Martyn Wade's Gondal in BBC Radio 7

Today, July 31 BBC-Radio 7 offers another chance to listen to Martyn Wade's play Gondal:
First broadcast 21st December 1992 BBC Radio 4

Sat 31 July 2010 13:00
Sun 1 Aug 2010 01:00

Martyn Wade's play about Emily Bronte parallels her life at Haworth with a dramatic reconstruction of Gondal, her epic fantasy world set on a Pacific island from which the ideas for 'Wuthering Heights' evolved.

Nathaniel Parker............Fernando
Janet Maw.....................Emily Brontë
Diana Quick..................Augusta
John Rowe....................Lord Eldred
Clive Francis.................Alfred
Linda Polan...................Tabitha
Moir Leslie....................Angelica
David Thorpe................Alexander/Douglas
Keith Drinkel.................Parry/King Julius
Annabelle Lanyon..........Young Emily
Eric Allen......................Gerald
Bernadette Windsor.......Young Charlotte/Young Augusta
Jill Lidstone...................Young Branwell
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